New 36 Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2012
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 Would this be a good mix Peacock Gudgeon, Boesemani, celebes, Gold Severum and Hammers Bule Lobster?
The only ones I would recommend out of those would be celebs and peacock gudgeons.
Boesemani grow to about 5 inches and are active shoaling fish so 36 gallons is too small.
Severums again are too big as they grow to about 12 inches and would probably eat all of your smaller fish
I'm not really sure about the lobster... mixing crustaceans and small fish usually doesn't end well

Personally I would rethink your stock a little and get back to us with your new idea.
I got it for affican cilids. I was toll it would be more then I need for them(and it was on a big sell). after get the tank runing and all. I look up info about then. They would get to bog for a 36 gallon. So I come now I need a plane C. LOL
Tony2099 said:
I got it for affican cilids. I was toll it would be more then I need for them(and it was on a big sell). after get the tank runing and all. I look up info about then. They would get to bog for a 36 gallon. So I come now I need a plane C. LOL
What poor sod told you that?! ;)
I agree with wrightt3 with what's good and not.
Hmm... African Cichlids is a very broad term. There are literally hundreds of different African cichlids some of which may be suitable for a 36g and some which would not. Some of the smaller shell dwelling cichlids would work as they only grow to about 2 inches or so.
If you wanted something a bit more colourful then you could go for zebra and rusty cichlids instead but I would wait for someone who is more experienced in African cichlids to confirm this before going ahead with it.

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