Never Seen This Before - Please Help


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2012
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Hi All,
purchased some new praecox rainbows a couple of days ago and since then one of the females has gone downhill. she was corkscrewing a lot yesterday and today is swimming on her side looking rather unwell. aside from this she's ok; no fungus etc and full of colour still. the bases of her pectoral fins are really swollen though. Anyone know what this is? Have attached few pics.


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Are any of your other fish showing any ill symptoms?  My first thought was tuberculosis, because of the bend and it looks like her eyes are bulging.  I found this definition so please take a quick look and see if this matches what you may have going on.
If a fish has a bent or curved spine, it is most likely infected with a Gram-positive mycobacteria (Mycobacterium marinum or M. fortuitum). This is commonly referred to as fish tuberculosis, piscine tuberculosis, acid-fast disease or granuloma disease. Tuberculosis is a chronic, progressive disease that may take years to fully develop. Symptoms include lethargy, emaciation, fin and scale loss, exophthalmia (bulging eyes), skin inflammation and ulceration, edema (dropsy), peritonitis (parasite infestation) and nodules in muscles that may cause deformation of the fish. Fish that appear to be most susceptible to fish tuberculosis are gouramis, black molliesneons, and other tetras, carp and anabantids.
Infected fish should be removed and quarantined immediately for four weeks or more. To prevent this infection, do not overcrowd, and provide good water quality. Remove any fish that appear affected. Some successful treatments have been described using chloramine-B or -T, cyclosporine, doxycycline, ethambutol, ethionamide, isoniazid, kanamycin, minocycline, penicillin, rifampin, streptomycin, sulfonamides and tetracycline. In addition, you might try using streptomycin for the first four days at a dose of 10.6 mg/L (40 mg/gallon). After the streptomycin treatment is completed, feed the affected fish with food that has been treated (soaked in) with rifampin at a rate of 10 milligrams per 100 grams of food for about two months. At the same time, treat the aquarium with isoniazid twice a week at a 10.6 mg/L (40 mg/gallon) dosage for one month. If all fish become infected and eventually die, the entire aquarium should be sterilized using a mild bleach solution and rinsed with liberal amounts of water before adding any new fish.
Good luck, I love rainbows so I hope you have a good outcome here.
Could be that :/

Unfortunately she was gone this morning :( another one might be ill too now. Hint of an eye bulge and lump on the tail
Got a pic of the other one now. Looks like eye is bulging. Any thoughts??


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Can you tell us more about you tank and water parameters please?
How long has the tank been set up?
Is it cycled?
Hardness (GH):
Alkalinity (KH):
How often do you perform water changes?
How much water do you change?
What additives do you use? EG seachem Prime.
The more information you can give the easier it becomes to figure out what is going on.
Ammonia and nitrite 0, nitrate between 10-20

Another female rainbow has just died with no explanation. Nothing external visible.

Two of the catfish are now looking bad too. Please help!!!
We need the answers to the questions I asked, Without that we are only guessing.
sorry for delay in reply. thought it had gotten better but lost four more since and another three have cotton wool fungus on fins. its still only the new additions that are sick leading me to believe they had something from store. all of the pre-existing fish are perfectly fine.
How long has the tank been set up? - two years
Is it cycled? - yes fully using household ammonia at start
Ammonia: - o
Nitrite: - 0
Nitrate: - never above 40ppm, usually 0-20ppm range
pH: 7.4
Hardness (GH): - 16 :/ (est 260ppm)
Alkalinity (KH): 8 (est 140ppm)
How often do you perform water changes? weekly at least - lately two to three times per week
How much water do you change? - 50% each time
What additives do you use? seachem prime

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