Need Help With Cory Catfish That's In Poor Shape


New Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Hey all, I've got a cory catfish that in pretty poor shape, and I'm not sure why. It's in a 46 gallon planted tank with 3 other corys, a pleco and 7 tetra.
As far as plants go, I've got some Anubias, Java Fern, Hornwort, and some Italian Val.
I noticed the issue about 2 months ago, and started dosing with Melafix and Pimafix daily after reading up on possible causes, and doing water changes twice weekly.
Since then, his health doesn't seem to have gotten any better, and another of my corys ended up with a lump on his fin, similar (but smaller) to what I'm seeing on this guy (I'll add pictures). I just can't figure out why.
Also, he looks miserable, but he still swims around and eats.
My current water status is as follows :
Nitrate : 10ppm
Nitrite : 0ppm
GH : 150 ppm
Chlorine : 0ppm
KH : ~180 ppm
PH : 7.7 ppm
I also dose the following chemicals when I do water changes : Prime, Flourish Iron, Flourish Excel
I'd very much appreciate any help. My next alternative is Clove Oil, and I'm trying to avoid that.
The poor little corydora it looks like he has a very nasty all over body fungus. Normally a fungus will not ge a hold on a healthy fish so there needs to be an underlaying cause for the fungal outbreak. Is it possible that the pleco (do you know which type it is?) could be being aggressive to the corys or that the tetras could be nipping at the corys?
How often do you do water changes? And how much do you change?
While you have been treating with melafix and pimafix have you stopped using the fertilizers?
Some people might disagree with me, but I have never rated mela and prima fix... I just dont think it does anything good.
Dont do anything drastic, I always have much success with using Esha products, Esha 2000 is a good one for fungus and you can team it up with Esha Exit, just dont use it immediately after a water change. What I would do is change half the water, leave it two days then add in the esha exit and esha 2000, follow the instructions then after medicating wait three days and change half the water, you can repeat this if need be.
I feel sorry for him, that does look bad.... he could be wondering into the plecos territory and getting a bit of a bashing.... but you would need to observe to see if this is the case, the tetras are buggers also like baccus said. If this is happening you could try re-homing them or adding more plant cover.

edit: esha products dont work well immediately after a water change as the water conditioners bind with the esha products rendering it inactive.

so leave a bit of a two day gap between water changes and medicating.
Thanks for the responses! 
The pleco is a Bristlenose, about 4 inches. I've seen the pleco attack other fish if they get too close, but never really chase them outside of it's 'territory', which is the underbelly of some driftwood. Most of the fish don't really wonder through there, as far as I can tell. Outside of that, it doesn't really do much. I can't imagine that the tetras would attack them, as they're fairly small Neon Tetras. But, I could try isolating the cory for a little while and see if his condition improves.
While dosing with Pimafix and Melafix, I've continued to use the Flourish Iron and Flourish Excel. I could stop dosing Flourish Iron if you think that's a problem. Flourish Excel would be somewhat more difficult. My natural tap water ph levels are over 8 ppm. I use Flourish excel every other day to keep it between 7.5 - 7.7 ppm.
Currently, I'm doing 2 water changes a week, at 10% per water change.
He usually stays out in the corner far corner of the tank away from the other fish. I've added some Hornwort in the last week, that should act nicely as plant cover. I'll definitely look into the Esha products. This is the first time I've heard of them. Thanks!
I'd humanely euthanise it.

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