New Member
I purchased a long eel like fish from a supply shop today and the owners of the place didnt know what it was - i was able to identyfy all the other fish in the tank (gupys platies ect)
The one i got reminds me of an oarfish with catfish whiskers around it mount , the body is clear and a ghostly white colour. Anyone know what this guy is?
Ive also got 5 neon tetras 4 bettas 2 male and female, 2 tux platys a lightning yellow cicillid a otto a small snail and clown loach in my 70 ltre tank and 3 of the bettas in the 10 ltre tank
The 70ltre tank has a large bunch of plants in a corner that most of the fish sleep in during the night,
The one i got reminds me of an oarfish with catfish whiskers around it mount , the body is clear and a ghostly white colour. Anyone know what this guy is?
Ive also got 5 neon tetras 4 bettas 2 male and female, 2 tux platys a lightning yellow cicillid a otto a small snail and clown loach in my 70 ltre tank and 3 of the bettas in the 10 ltre tank
The 70ltre tank has a large bunch of plants in a corner that most of the fish sleep in during the night,