Need A Plant Id


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Hi I had this in a tank about 18 months ago (maybe longer actually) and it just over grew so much it became a proper jungle when I took it out it filled a bin bag I loved the jungle look but my mrs said it looked awful - however now I want some greenery in the tank and this plant sticks out for me as it grew so fast and was pretty Severum proof as she just ignored it. But I never got the name of it...

By luck I was looking through my photobucket today and found this


Which has it in the background its the thin leaved one behind the Severum.

Any ideas?

thanks Wills
That is a hygrophila angustifolia :good:
That is a hygrophila angustifolia :good:

Excellent thankyou :) Is there any reason in particular it thrived though I did very little to it or is it just one of those plants?

Is that Lilly? She is a stunner!!! My experience of Hygrophila is that it tends to grow well no matter what kind of conditions you give it. You have some big fish with big poo so there would be plenty of nutrients available for it to thrive. :good:
Yep thats her :)

To be fair my tank needs plants but I just cant keep them that long because of Lilly lol. She rips quite a lot up Valis gets mown down. I had some large Amazon Swords for a long time but they both started sending up shooters and flowered at the surface which was great but then the plant stopped growing leaves then I got this large Java Fern which has lasted about 10 months but Lilly has just eaten it and it looks a right mess now.

Found those plants on the green machine so going to pop an order in later today.

Is there much difference between

Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis


Hygrophila corymbosa 'Angustifolia'

They have both but the Siamensis is available in XL and I would rather start off with large plants so Lilly does not just demolish it in a week or two lol

sorry Wills just finished nights, so couldn't get back soon enough.

No there's not a lot of difference in the way of the plants needs IME, they both tend to do quite well in low tech set ups.
Cool no probs :)

I will get a mixture of them ordered I think or perhaps a variety of sizes of the Siamensis

I am planing to plant them in pots rather than substrate as I can weight them down better - is there anything wrong with just using garden center bought black plastic pots? Plan is to hide them within wood tangles and rocks.


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