Need A New Tank For My Common Plec (And Friends)

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Jun 26, 2007
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I have a common pleco that I rescued 8+ yrs ago now.  In January I had a tank disaster - my rena sprang a serious leak!  I bought a second hand tank the next day and moved everyone across.  So far so good; except that the emergency tank is quite a bit smaller than my original and I need to buy a new one.
Apart from the pleco the inhabitants are all small - cory's, polka dot loaches, neons, guppies and zebra danios so they wont really mind too much about the tank that I get but Alan (the common) is a bit more fussy!!
He likes to go up to the top of the water and get air.  In my rena that was not a problem as there was a gap of 2 or 3 inches between the water surface and the lid of the tank, in the emergency tank it's been a bit more of a problem as it has glass lids at water level so I've had to have the water level 2 inches below the top of the tank to allow him break the surface.  Obviously this doesn't look too good and makes the filter rather noisy as the water drops back into the tank.
I still have the stand from the rena so only need a tank.  I'm wondering about having one built as I would like it the size of the old one (48"x18"x24") but dont really know what I should be looking for. Also (sorry if this is a daft question!) but what about lights and a hood?
I don't know what I don't know!!  Anyone got any advice on things to look out for, useful features, things to try and avoid?  I know it's a lot about personal preference but I don't really want to make an expensive mistake!!

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