Nano, Minus The Reef

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Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2007
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I really want to do a saltwater nano tank, but i dont want to bother with a reef. I've never done Salt water before, but really want to try it (I love gobies!) I'd like to go a 10 or smaller, any advice on this? How many and what kind of fish could I have in there (remember Gobies!)?
Or you could do a tank like me. I have a FO 12 gallon. Its just a FW with salt added really. Crushed coral sand, base rocks and some rose quartz (sp) and a fluval 3 filter. I also have a heater and a refigium which i use to house extra sopnges for extra bio filteration. As for tank specs everything is fine and its been up for 2 months with a baby clown (blackfin) and a firefish. I assume you want a simple tank just for fish.

I just have,
- glass tank
- heater
- lid and light (FW)
- sand
- fluval 3 pump (bio rings)
- decor rocks
- a pump sending water to refigium
- hydrometer

All other bits like cleaning bits and tests too.

Sorry its 2.30am so if you need some more detailed info just PM me about it. Everyone will say get LR but i find if you want hardy small fish and no inverts and corals then dont bother with it (MO dont bite my head off people).

There are lots of gobies you could keep in a 10 gallon.
Can I ask what you sue for filtration? sorry for hijacking the thread, but I looked into salt water before and was put off by the need for LR, something I dint want to get, all I really wanted was a couple of hermit crabs LOL in a nice simple tank with a bit of sand.
Yeah its just that, i have a fluval 3 filled with biorings and i also use sponges they are all good. What everone says about nitrates i havnt seen at all.
You could even just use an AquaClear filter if you want. You still have to cycle the tank tho' and do regular water changes. The first SW tanks used UGF's and the decorum was either dead coral or plastic rock is the best filtration. Perhaps someone would like do post on a straight forward way to set up a simple FO tank. If it's good, I'll pin it and/or list in under the FAQ's.

SH rock is the best filtration.

How can we know that it is, I have read all over the internet that some filters are much better than LR and in a FO tank LR wouldnt be enough for the bio load that would be place on it. JMO
i dont see what the difference between bioload of a FO tank and any other tank would be....
yeah, but in tank this size you can only keep 1 or 2 fish either way...
How can we know that it is, I have read all over the internet that some filters are much better than LR and in a FO tank LR wouldnt be enough for the bio load that would be place on it. JMO

In a FO tank, you wouldn't have any liverock. If you did, it would be a FOWLR. ;)
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