Equipment make/model/size: nano cube hqi
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: too many tanks
Delivery or Collection:collection
Sales price: 80 ono
Postage & Packaging:collection
Location: coventry
Photograph:Namo marine tank smallish about 1.5 ft cubed !all live stock about 3 years old Live stock include 1 regal tank about 4 inch , 1 clown fish , 2 humbug damels and 1 domino damsel , lots of hermits lookin for 80 pounds have pics to added later
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: too many tanks
Delivery or Collection:collection
Sales price: 80 ono
Postage & Packaging:collection
Location: coventry
Photograph:Namo marine tank smallish about 1.5 ft cubed !all live stock about 3 years old Live stock include 1 regal tank about 4 inch , 1 clown fish , 2 humbug damels and 1 domino damsel , lots of hermits lookin for 80 pounds have pics to added later