Name That Snail


New Member
Jan 5, 2012
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A small snail arrived in our tank a few weeks back. I thought at first it was an empty shell, and wondered how it got there. Then it had moved and I thought it had been buffeted by the water movement in the water change I did. But then I saw it again, and it was bigger. Now it is very visible and quite active all over the tank.

My first guess at what it was (ie a problem or not) was based on the thread at the start of this section, and while it was quite small it looked like it might have been a trumpet snail, as it was pointy, and roamed around in the gravel. I was quite pleased with that as I thought that would be good for the tank.

Now it is bigger I can see that it is quite broad at the head end, and not as slender as the image of trumpet snails shows them to be. It is also now climbing on the glass. It also goes on leaves of plants but doesn't seem to eat them. It still favours the gravel. I'm not sure it is a trumpet snail anymore. But what is it - what else could it be?

I have a picture but don't seem to be able to add it to this post. Apparently I'm not allowed to 'use that image extension on this board'.
I'm going to be immature and show my age, lets name him Brian :p
Thiarids (by "trumpet snails" I presume you mean Thiaridae) do not always stay in the gravel. Without a picture though it is hard to say.

I have a picture but don't seem to be able to add it to this post. Apparently I'm not allowed to 'use that image extension on this board'.

Have you tried an image hosting site like photobucket or imageshack?

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