Mystery Snails Sense Predators?


Fish Connoisseur
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 14, 2015
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As the regs here know I love snails and think that every fresh water tank should have them, I love Malaysian Trumpet snails as they keep the substrate clean, I also love Mystery snails these guys make great pets on their own.

When I got my Assassins I removed my 2 big Mystery snails so the assassins wont get them, last week I had to put them back in the 2 footer with the assassins as the smaller tank they were in was leaking.

Before I put them in the tank I acclimatised them for 4 hours adding a bit of tank water every half hour ETC and then let them go, everything was fine for the first few hours they even found an algae wafer I feed the shrimp and started eating it. This is where it gets interesting. Then they went to the surface and detached themselves from the glass and just floated, next day when I fed the shrimp they dropped to the bottom ate then went to the surface detached from the glass and floated I watched them do this for 8 days, once their tank was fixed I put all the plants and stuff back acclimatised the snails and let them go, Funny thing is they no longer seem interested in floating and seem quite happy to do what Mystery snails do best, Eat and poop.

My guess is they sensed the assassins and were getting away from them by floating.

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