My Planned Nano (mantis)

Damn that's a good looking mantis!

Will he still stay that colour all his life? and where did you find him, special order?

He was at a local LFS where I assume he came in as a pest (still cost me an arm and a leg though!).

His colour should stay close to that for life, but he can change colour through molts should he so wish!

I got him some tankmates since these photos were taken. Typically, they;re a no-no, but mine is so placid he hasn't taken an interest so far. It includes a turbo snail, and 2 hermit crabs.
More photos.

The lights on this are now 2 x 36w T5's. Check out the strength (I also added more rock...)


I added some pulsing xenia (2 tiny frags on a turbo snail shell) which isnt doing so great. i think it was a bit early...


And here are some mantis photos and a mantis video! here he is eating a sand eel.









Just a tip.... really you want some finer sand than that as mantis will often burrow and make themselves a hole to live in, although in gravel that size i can't see it being able to burrow at all..

Still, looks like a nice mantis :)

Quick update!

Mantis is fine, he's now sharing the tank with a hermit (was 2, 1 is MIA), Some pulsing xenia (which grows very fast!), 3 turbos and all manner of hitchikers I couldnt name.

He's burrowed underneath most of the rocks so is doing ok in that respect. I wish I'd got sand looking back really, but there's not too much I can do about that now sadly, I may change it over in future if I decide to rework the tank.

I'm not running a skimmer so water changes are frequent, and there is a lot of algae. i'm not too bothered though, I like the look of a lot of it.

And yes, he's definitely a pseudosquilla ciliata.

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