Hello everyone! I found this forum while I was looking for information on planting tanks for Bettas, and I felt like registering and saying hello!
My only fish at the moment is my (affectionately-nicknamed) fugly fish, Severus. He was advertised as a half-moon betta, but after seeing the gorgeous HM bettas here I'm not so sure that he is one. Would anyone mind taking a look at him and telling me if he is a HM or not? Here's a picture of him: (Silly guy must have wanted to show off- he spread out all his fins and turned sideways as soon as I pulled out my camera!)
He has the oddest coloring- he was pale white with a greenish tint to his fins when I bought him in September of last year, but now he's this really pale pink with a smattering of darker red scales and weird coppery fins. His tail fin has a hint of metallic blue in it when it catches the light just right.
He's currently living in a heated 2.5 gallon, but I'm working on setting up a filtered, planted 5 gallon for him. I have a few questions about that, if nobody minds giving me a little guidance?
- The filter I have in there is a 100 gpm Whisper filter that came with my tank kit. I'm hoping it won't be too strong for him, but I can barely feel the current when I put my hand in the water and the free floating anubias and java ferns I have in there (need to get driftwood to attach them to) aren't being pushed around too much and aren't being sucked into the intake. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on him, but does that seem too strong to anybody?
- I have a thermometer in the tank now, but I don't have a heater- without a heater and with the lights on, the tank stays about 78 F. The light gives off a lot of heat, and my room is very warm anyway from my gecko's heat lamp. This morning, when I went to turn the lights on, it was about 76 F. Is that temperature fluctuation okay for a betta, or will I need to find a way to keep it more stable?
- This is my first time with a planted tank. So far I have an Anubias, two Java Ferns (two came in the same package from the store- score!) and a small patch of micro sword, which I'm hoping will spread and give a nice ground cover. I'll probably also put in the two silk plants he has in his tank currently, to fill things out until the live plants take off. Does this setup seem alright? Any general tips for a planted tank?
- I was debating getting a couple snails or shrimp to help keep the tank clean and entertain Severus. Would they be alright in that size tank, with that setup? I've never had either of them, are they hard to take care of?
Thanks for all your help, this forum is very entertaining and educational! I'm generally quiet and don't post much, but I look forward to keeping up with your betta adventures!
My only fish at the moment is my (affectionately-nicknamed) fugly fish, Severus. He was advertised as a half-moon betta, but after seeing the gorgeous HM bettas here I'm not so sure that he is one. Would anyone mind taking a look at him and telling me if he is a HM or not? Here's a picture of him: (Silly guy must have wanted to show off- he spread out all his fins and turned sideways as soon as I pulled out my camera!)

He has the oddest coloring- he was pale white with a greenish tint to his fins when I bought him in September of last year, but now he's this really pale pink with a smattering of darker red scales and weird coppery fins. His tail fin has a hint of metallic blue in it when it catches the light just right.
He's currently living in a heated 2.5 gallon, but I'm working on setting up a filtered, planted 5 gallon for him. I have a few questions about that, if nobody minds giving me a little guidance?
- The filter I have in there is a 100 gpm Whisper filter that came with my tank kit. I'm hoping it won't be too strong for him, but I can barely feel the current when I put my hand in the water and the free floating anubias and java ferns I have in there (need to get driftwood to attach them to) aren't being pushed around too much and aren't being sucked into the intake. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on him, but does that seem too strong to anybody?
- I have a thermometer in the tank now, but I don't have a heater- without a heater and with the lights on, the tank stays about 78 F. The light gives off a lot of heat, and my room is very warm anyway from my gecko's heat lamp. This morning, when I went to turn the lights on, it was about 76 F. Is that temperature fluctuation okay for a betta, or will I need to find a way to keep it more stable?
- This is my first time with a planted tank. So far I have an Anubias, two Java Ferns (two came in the same package from the store- score!) and a small patch of micro sword, which I'm hoping will spread and give a nice ground cover. I'll probably also put in the two silk plants he has in his tank currently, to fill things out until the live plants take off. Does this setup seem alright? Any general tips for a planted tank?
- I was debating getting a couple snails or shrimp to help keep the tank clean and entertain Severus. Would they be alright in that size tank, with that setup? I've never had either of them, are they hard to take care of?
Thanks for all your help, this forum is very entertaining and educational! I'm generally quiet and don't post much, but I look forward to keeping up with your betta adventures!