My New Favourite Shoal!


Aug 29, 2009
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I bought 7 of these little fellas, Burmese Spotted Danio to be precise, in January and they've grown into healthy and stunning fish. I want to get a few more to strengthen my shoal however I can't find them anywhere in my area! Luckily they've been showing some mating behaviour so hopefully I won't need to rely on the LFS for increasing my stock!
This is one of my females, she's getting plumper (hopefully with eggs)
I really love the energy this species has and their love for playing in the filter current!
I was wondering if anyone else experience keeping this species and could help me with feeding? They love flakes so feeding them isn't an issue, however, when I try to enrich their diet with blood worms etc they aren't interested! Anybody know of any live/frozen foods they'll appreciate?
I haven't kept these before, in fact I've never seen these before! But they're gorgeous fish, really nice markings.
Beautiful, never seen them before either, have you tried live/frozen brine shrimp? daphnia is also good 
New to me too.... nice small shoaling fish, good luck with breeding them.
I second the microworms. All of mine go mad for them. They usually get a mixture of various dried food and frozen stuff. Microworms are the first live food I've had and I can see a difference in their colours since starting them.
I've never heard of microworms! Where do you get yours from? 
fishmad135 said:
I've never heard of microworms! Where do you get yours from? 
You have to grow your own!
Search youtube for tutorials and ebay for a starter culture... they're very cheap/easy to grow/cultivate.
Was not expecting that - wow! I shall have to ask my mum.. she rules my fish keeping with an iron rod 
Your picture looks like what others are calling a Gold ring Danio or Danio Tinwini.  If I recall correctly it was also discovered about the same time as the Celestial Pearl Danio.  I haven't seen either of these in the local fish stores but they are high on my list of future purchases.  Do they get allong well with your Neon tetras?

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