My New Background Idea


May 15, 2009
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Bradford, West Yorkshire
Morning all, well I moved the tank in to our living room (spare bedroom still live with parents) and it looks great in its new home I now get to watch it all night rather than just when I'm in bed.

Now I decided I wanted a new background as the black one just dosnt cut it. I was looking at the juwel structured ones but it was going to cost £60 and to be honest I didn't think it was worth it.

I was out walking the dog and found these

Basically large pieces of bark from a fallen tree. I decided if these were cleaned up and then coated with 5-6 coats of G4 pond sealer to make them water proof so they wouldn't rot then silicone them to the tank.

I started cleaning the pieces last night first running them under the hot shower, scrubbing with a toothbrush and scraping the nooks and crannies with a carpenters awl. I then soaked them I'm boiling water 2-3 times and finally rinsed with the hot shower.

I still need to find a few more prices but here's one of the cleaned up pices that has been drying out on the radiator overnight

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