My "malawi" Set-up

June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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I would really recommend you just lose the chipokae. Mine was okay for a year then killed 3 fish. Just be so careful.
I would really recommend you just lose the chipokae. Mine was okay for a year then killed 3 fish. Just be so careful.

okay thanks for the tip off, yeh i heard about their reputation, he came with the tank and he's actually one of the fish in there that doesnt bother anyone.

But, i have heard so many horror stories about them.........
Try using zucchini instead of cucumber... way more nutrients. Pellets can be a little dangerous too ( I have heard) because they wont except any other types of food after it. Everything looks beautiful though.
Try using zucchini instead of cucumber... way more nutrients. Pellets can be a little dangerous too ( I have heard) because they wont except any other types of food after it. Everything looks beautiful though.

yes will give that a go, thanks :good:
done some new pics, taken today, this time on digi cam and not mobile phone :hyper: check'em out :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
The plants are just Onion Plant cuttings from my planted community that had quite a bit of algae on for my Mbuna to munch on:hyper:
:good::hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
If you start seeing Tangs in here, then yes you are seeing correct and refer to beginning of post for some details and stats on this set-up :hyper:
:ninja: is that a male Estherae? i think so.... :blink::hyper:
:hyper: see beginning of thread for list of fish, if you wanna know what any particular type of fish in the pic is, just ask!
:hyper: :shout: :rolleyes:
:big_boss: :big_boss: :big_boss:
If you read my thread at the beginning i am trying to persuade y'all that my Chipokae is really a nice guy and harmless and a perfect gent in the tank, well, how ironic that when i took his picture today, he looks like the fish equivilent of Hannibal Lector :ninja:
great pics. Wish I could get some of my tank that look that good..
thank you very much, i still am a complete novice in taking pics and i can never get them to look as good as they are in real life!!!!! :good:
below is the mum of the Yellow (Male) Kenyi here
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
ladies and gents, what time is it?................................Its................ TANG time :hyper:
these two Julidochromis have bred and i the fry have been around for about 1-week now and are amost 1cm big, being guarded mostly by the Marleri
i spy with my little eye............ something beginning with "H"YEH, its a HYBRID fry people, yeh :hyper:
From the 4th Picture down on THIS page and starting with the YELLOW LAB these are the fish in each picture :hyper:

Labidochromis Caeruleus

Labeotropheus Trewavasae

Labeotropheus Trewavasae

Labeotropheus Trewavasae

Maylandia Greshakei

Maylandia Greshakei

Melanochromis Chipokae

Maylandia Lombardoi Male

Maylandia Lombardoi Male

Maylandia Lombardoi Female

Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei" (Ngara)

Maylandia Estherae


Julidochromis Dickfeldi

Julidochromis Marleri

Julidochromis Marleri

Julidochromis Marleri

Neolamprologus Tretocephalus

Neolamprologus Tretocephalus

Neolamprologus Meeli

Neolamprologus Meeli

Neolamprologus Meeli

Neolamprologus Meeli
Great pics, absolutely love that ob l.trewavasae! I'm pretty sure the m.estherae with the lab is a male, the females tend to be a darker orange color.

2 x Maylandia Lombardoi Female (Kenyi) approx 1.5" and 3.5"
1 x Maylandia Lombardoi Male (Kenyi) approx 2"
1 x Melanochromis Chipokae approx 3.5"

are being re-homed tomorrow, which should improve the probability of this tank remaining stable for the longer term

I have decided to keep all the Tangs in there for now, as i believe the water parameters, diet and general fish behaviour in tank is okay for the Tangs

Will miss the Male Kenyi the most :-(

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