Video My First Video


Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2014
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Hi guys, new to the hobby here. Had the tank about 5 weeks. Going for a peaceful community tank. More plants and features coming soon but thought I'd take a video and see what others think. Hope this works and hope you like :)

My fish tank:
Lovely tank! I think i see a clown loach, does it have 5 other buddies in there? Also what size is the tank? 
You got lots of mollies lol makes the tank really active, how are those babies haha must be ton, unless you have one type of sex.
Thanks :)

Unfortunately there is only the one clown loach. It was purchased before I found this forum and did some true research. Still trying to decide what to do with him. He is a very peaceful guy just goes about sifting through the gravel.

Yes the mollies and platies do make it quite an active tank. There are also some sparkling Gourami which like to hide in the bushes most of the time. They are getting more and more adventurous though which is good to see :)
Oh and the tank is 4 foot. 200 litres.
Very active, pretty tank. I take you don't do head counts? :p
I'd return the clown loach to your LFS if you can. Or re-home it to someone you know can take care of it.
I'm sure you've found this already but they need a minimum of a 6ft long tank and groups of 6+ (preferably 8-10+).
Some of those plants look non-aquatic to me. If you're not sure yourself you may want to post pictures and someone can ID them for you :) Unfortunately a lot of places will sell non-aquatic plants, I don't know why.
Yeah, I'm aware of the issues with the clown loach.  My local store said they don't take them back so I will try and find someone to take it.
And yes there are some non-aquatic plants in there (aluminium and the purple temple).  I only realised this recently.  Have some other proper aquatic plants on order (they should be delivered in the next couple of days) and also a new rock feature.
I will take another video when my new plants and ornaments arrive. 
And believe it or not, I do actually do head counts quite often.  For some of the fish it can take a while, but I'm a little bit OCD so like to count the fish regularly lol.

The issue I have with finding proper aquatic plants and other people to re-home fish to is that I live in a small rural town of 3500 people.  I have only two LFS within a 3 hour drive so there is not a lot of choice.  Hence, the difficulty with re-homing the clown loach and finding proper aquatic plants and stuff.
Shame they won't take it back :( Even if you donated it they wont?
Glad you're getting the plants under control, looking forward to the updated video! :D
You have much more patience than me to do head counts with all of them, especially with how active they are. :p
I live in a small town of ~1800 people I believe. But I am lucky that there are fish stores within 45 minutes. Sorry yours are so far away :(
No, they said they don't take fish back because they can't be guarenteed of the quality of the fish they are getting etc. 
Well, I wouldn't say that the plants will be under control (really still learning a LOT about the plants), but I am trying to move towards the true aquatic plants.  I have been forced to look online for them as my LFS doesn't really have many at all. 
Expecting a delivery in a day or two so will update then :)
Maybe you should point out that they could advise their customers that fish are unsuitable, instead of refusing to take them back when the customer finds out. Surely they have quarantine tanks?
Rant over , your tank looks great, full of colour and interest.

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