Hi guys, I am going to be purchasing a Fluval Roma 200l on Thursday and i'm 99% decided that i'm going to go cichlid. I need some help deciding what species I should go for, the main thing I want is LOADS of colour
. I have also read a lot about cichlid aggression e.g. don't mix Mbuna with Utaka, don't under populate, and be careful with male to female ratio etc. If you guys could give me a few ideas on what species would be best for what i'm looking for (Colour) that would be fantastic
. Also if you could me information on species that can be mixed but still get along together without too much aggression?
Oh and I need some advice on what to decorate my tank with, I'm probably going to use sand of some sort but I just need to know what else works best with cichlids
Any information would be greatly appreciated
Oh and I need some advice on what to decorate my tank with, I'm probably going to use sand of some sort but I just need to know what else works best with cichlids
Any information would be greatly appreciated