My First Cichlid Tank, Need Help!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2014
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Hi guys, I am going to be purchasing a Fluval Roma 200l on Thursday and i'm 99% decided that i'm going to go cichlid. I need some help deciding what species I should go for, the main thing I want is LOADS of colour :D. I have also read a lot about cichlid aggression e.g. don't mix Mbuna with Utaka, don't under populate, and be careful with male to female ratio etc. If you guys could give me a few ideas on what species would be best for what i'm looking for (Colour) that would be fantastic :D. Also if you could me information on species that can be mixed but still get along together without too much aggression?
Oh and I need some advice on what to decorate my tank with, I'm probably going to use sand of some sort but I just need to know what else works best with cichlids :)
Any information would be greatly appreciated :D
People always say that the Africans have much more color, but I can tell you my tank is no stranger to color. Check out the Salvini and the Firemouth. I LOVE my Sal, and the firemouths are show offs.
Also, pool filter sand. People are going to give you lots of different advice on how to decorate, but really its up to you.
Also, pool filter sand works great. You are going to get a lot of opinions on how to decorate your tank...but really it is up to you.
Jesse said:
People always say that the Africans have much more color, but I can tell you my tank is no stranger to color. Check out the Salvini and the Firemouth. I LOVE my Sal, and the firemouths are show offs.
Also, pool filter sand. People are going to give you lots of different advice on how to decorate, but really its up to you.
Also, pool filter sand works great. You are going to get a lot of opinions on how to decorate your tank...but really it is up to you.
I take it yours are new world cichlids?
congratulations on your new purchase!
I wanted exactly the same when I was determining the possible inhabitants of my new tank.
Too bad mbuna’s are less compatible due aggression and food compatibility, otherwise they would make an impressive color display too (despite the lack of red and green colors)
I  decided to go for other Africans from different areas with more diversity of colors/behavior/shapes/patterns but with same diet requirements to be kept in acceptable range of water parameters for all species.  These are generally the more peaceful ones within compatible sizes.
So far I am keeping the species on below list, also mentioned their features to achieve the desired effect.

1 Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi 'Eureka' (red/orange)
2 Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi 'Mamelela' (violet with yellow fins)
3 Aulonocara Sp. Fire fish (Pink / orange)
2 Aulonocara Stuartgarti  (metallic blue)

2 Neolamprologus Brichardi  (beige / lyretail)
5 Neolamprologus Leleupi (vibrant yellow)
1 Neolamprologus Tretocephalus (white / black vertical stripes / blue fins)

1 Astatotilapia Latifasciata (Red / metallic green / black vertical stripes)
3 Paralabidochromis sp. 'Rock Kribensis’ (Green/Yellow / horizontal stripes )

1 Hemichromis Lifalili (Vibrant red with Metallic blue dots)

1 Epalzeorhynchos Bicolor (black with red tail)

Hoping this may have given you an idea:


Good luck with your new tank!


:O can all these fish be kept together? and are they expensive compared to Mbuna's?
Just watched your video there and I have to say that is one of the nicest setups I have ever seen!
Oh and thanks, this has gave me a whole new outlook on what kind of Cichlids I want to stock :D
Yes, it's been working out quite well for me. Had to remove / quarantine some fish time to time, if they would become too dominance or getting dominated...
I tried to keep Julidochromis species in it too, but they were too shy and weak...too easy stressed by the busier Malawi peacocks, thus had to take them out.
As long as you monitor their behavior and the water parameters well and provide them with quality food, they would reward you back.

In a local respectable shop here (the Netherlands), Mbuna's costs around £5 each
Peacock cichlids I keep however....can cost between £8-£25 each
A good suggestion is to find yourself a good hobbyist breeder that could supply you with quality fish while cheaper than in shops

a more recent video:

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