im fairly new to fish keeping and had a few issues in the beginning.. ive had to contend with two bouts of ich to which i lost virtually all (10) my Moscow Blue guppies and one neon tetra. (2 months ago I was gifted 4 mollies (3 boys, 1 girl) and 2 Platys (both girls). they all seemed to hold pretty well until now. they all seem pretty happy with each other. i have a 108 ltr tank and they share the space with 11 neon tetra, 3 guppies, and one betta. one of the male mollies seems pretty aggressive though and had been trying to mate with the female. after the second bout of ich ive been keeping an eye on them every night before i get to bed. they were all doing very well, including the female and were very responsive everytime i went near the tank.
in the last few days, ive noticed my female molly looking pretty down. her tail fin has a small tear (DO TEARS HEAL OVER TIME?) and the tail itself seems bent downwards a little. I dont have a separate tank, so i separated her from the rest using a small netted basket, since i thought maybe the male may have gone at her too hard perhaps? (this sounds so wrong but i cant put it any other way!) i feel so bad for her. Im a vet by profession, but vet college never prepared us for sick fish! i need help! We both do!!!
im fairly new to fish keeping and had a few issues in the beginning.. ive had to contend with two bouts of ich to which i lost virtually all (10) my Moscow Blue guppies and one neon tetra. (2 months ago I was gifted 4 mollies (3 boys, 1 girl) and 2 Platys (both girls). they all seemed to hold pretty well until now. they all seem pretty happy with each other. i have a 108 ltr tank and they share the space with 11 neon tetra, 3 guppies, and one betta. one of the male mollies seems pretty aggressive though and had been trying to mate with the female. after the second bout of ich ive been keeping an eye on them every night before i get to bed. they were all doing very well, including the female and were very responsive everytime i went near the tank.
in the last few days, ive noticed my female molly looking pretty down. her tail fin has a small tear (DO TEARS HEAL OVER TIME?) and the tail itself seems bent downwards a little. I dont have a separate tank, so i separated her from the rest using a small netted basket, since i thought maybe the male may have gone at her too hard perhaps? (this sounds so wrong but i cant put it any other way!) i feel so bad for her. Im a vet by profession, but vet college never prepared us for sick fish! i need help! We both do!!!