Fish Crazy
I'll be receiving my channoides breeding pair on Monday, will post pics as soon as I get my hands one them. Stay tuned everyone, I'll be updating weekly after I receive them.
No, their mouth brooding bettas. Once the female and male mate, the female drops her eggs and then picks them up with her mouth. She then passes them over to the male, where he'll hold them in his mouth for 12-15 days, before releasing the free swimming fry.372xp said:Man those are lovely fish. I have never seen them before. Do these guys build bubble nests to breed?
Thanks Elizabeth, they're definitely a pleasure to care after. Hope they'll spawn soon, aswell.Elisabeth83 said:They are really stunning!!
I yeah, this would be my second time having channoides. I originally had a young pair of macrostoma, before these though. My macs attempted to breed, 3 times but the male was inexperienced and I ended up losing the broods. I eventually sold my pair when I went off to college.Wildbetta said:Beautiful pair!! I keep the other species in the complex B.Albimarginata and they are by far my favorite wild species. Have you kept/bred Channoides before? The reason I ask is the brooding time for the male is normally longer than 12-15 days--actually closer to 20 days. Can't wait to see more pics!