My Betta Sorority

Are you doing CO2 or anything like that? I may try dwarf hair grass again with liquid CO2, but I'm going to do more research first.
Tank looks great, the wood will really add the finishing touch.

Those are some impressive bettas you have there :)
Thanks! Going to get some more amazon swords and maybe some other plants today. My other females are coming in Wednesday. :D
I don't use CO2, but someone had mentioned that sometimes you can keep DH successfully without it. It doesn't seem to like my 10 gal betta tank, but is doing OK in my puffer tank. *shrug* Just pulled the dying bits out of the betta tank. Will replace with some swords instead.
Now if only I could get the driftwood to submerge...been soaking it since it came in, and it's not leeching anything into the water...Obviously is full of holes lol. Airbubbles come out of hte visible holes as soon as I submerge it. Will have to figure a way to tie some rocks to it to keep it down lol. Have it wedged in the males temporary tank underwater to see if that'll help any. 
Got some more Amazon Swords (several varieties) today, as well as installed my new light. Hopefully between that and ferts, all the plants will take off! :) Here's a pic. Still need to find some rocks to attach to the driftwood so it won't float.
Be careful with the amazon swords as they can quickly take over a tank (unless you have the dwarf varieties) 
That's what I want. :) need a jungle for the female bettas to provide lots of hiding spots
Lovely tank :) can't wait to see all the girls in there. Isaid this already in another post, but your male is stunning!
Gizaroo2 said:
That's what I want.
need a jungle for the female bettas to provide lots of hiding spots
LOVE your girls!  All beautiful fish....I love all the plants too....I am in the process of putting more plants in my tanks....but I have lighting issues...which I posted for help in that forum....and by the way I love your signature!
i love the look of the tank. great job. also the copper girl is beautiful. sometimes female do chase each other as it happens to me. I use a biggetr tank with two females and a male betta. Seems to be working. great job and keep doing. 
becketlady said:
i love the look of the tank. great job. also the copper girl is beautiful. sometimes female do chase each other as it happens to me. I use a biggetr tank with two females and a male betta. Seems to be working. great job and keep doing. 
I hope that your bettas are separated and not kept in the same tank all together with no separation.  Keeping male and female bettas together is not advised and causes a great deal of stress for all involved.  If you do have them all in the same tank not separated, I recommend you separate them as soon as possible for their health.  It is a recipe for disaster otherwise.  Plus if you plan to keep female bettas together, you need at the very least 2 more females.
HI WB, no they are not together and that was a few months ago. I only have males in their 10 gal tanks. The females used to be in a 55 gal with other fish. They were doing great until i decided to put the them in their own. No there are no females in the tanks and not with the male bettas. Don't worry.:)

where do most of you order the Bettas? In the USA or other countries. I used to buy them at a Pet store but i'm very picky when it comes to diseases. 

WB, can i use all the female bettas in the same tank with no other fish and/or males? I noticed in your photobucket you have lots of female bettas and omg they look great. the plants. what are they and where to get them. I need more decorations in my boring tanks. lol
Female bettas can be kept together although it is not advised for beginners or anyone not good with recognizing betta behavior.  If you do keep females together in a sorority setting like Giz is doing here, lots and lots of plants and other things to block line of sight is mandatory.  As well as lots of hiding places like caves.  A 10 gallon tank is bare minimum size with no less than 5 females together to minimize aggression.  It is also easier to use sisters from a breeder since most are kept in a sorority setting growing out which helps in some instances with aggression.  
I get most of my bettas from other breeders.  Not sure if the plant question was directed at me or Giz but I tend to use a lot of different plants that do not require high lighting or CO2.  Several hygrophilia species, swords, moss, floaters, vallisineria, crypts, ludwigia, and apontagens are some of the different plants that I use.  I sometimes pick up plants from my LFS but most times I order plants online.
Very nice! Beginner's question: are the girls often all together like they are in that picture? I didn't think that bettas would swim around together like you have your 7 doing.
AlitaConejita said:
Very nice! Beginner's question: are the girls often all together like they are in that picture? I didn't think that bettas would swim around together like you have your 7 doing.
That was right after feeding time. They were expecting more food lol. They usually swim around exploring by themselves or chasing each other.... until food time

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