My Betta Sorority


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2010
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Hi all! I just recently purchased a beautiful male betta from a breeder (Randy Henson, RockSolid Bettas) I had mentioned to him that I would like tountil I have a divide for the puffer start a female sorority in the future. Long story short, he sent me 2 free females with my boy! ! So, I scrambled to get an aquarium setup in 2 days without going to the pet store. ( it's over an hour away). A coworker had a ten gallon she didn't need and I had a spare hob filter and a preset heater and substrate.

I cleaned the tank up, added water then my substrate, and pulled some spare plants from my current bettas tank. I am expecting more plants too arrive this weekend. I'm also going to the petstore to get a proper heater for the tank. I have a small Tom Aquarium internal filter in the to keep water moving while I wait for the Hob filter to get some media seeded from my 10 gallon dwarf puffer tank.

I got the bettas yesterday afternoon in the mail, got them acclimated and released them. The make is in his own 3 gallon kritter keeper temporarily until I get a divide r for the puffer tank

Will ppost pictures later today!
great would like to see pics, im sure you know anyway but sororities need a odd number of females and 5 or more for that matter.
I do. As soon as the media is seeded and I get my plants in, the breeder is sending me 4-5 more girls. :)
Glad to hear that he is going to send you some more girls to go with the original 2.  I am very impressed with the girls you got already and pretty different in color.  I would see if he has any lighter colored girls to mix in so you have a great mixture of color.  :)  Can't wait to see the tank with all the new plants.  
Thanks, WB. :) they are still getting along great as of this morning. It helps that they we're together for a bit before he separated them. I was planning to ask for at least one lighter girl and maybe a turquoise and marble In the mix.
Copper girl


Blue/Red girl


A bad photo of the tank...

And the male betta 

More (and better) photo's to come!
Lovely fish you've got there! Incredible coloration on the male,
  I wish I could find something like that in my area.
Looking forward to more pics! :)
Thanks! Yea I'm so glad the breeder decided to sell him to me! :) cant wait to get him situated in a tank with Good lighting.
Thanks! Here's a few more pics of them, and one of the male. I put some Amazon Sword in the back of the tank that I purchased yesterday, as well as their new heater. I have a pic of the tank, but it isn't uploaded yet.  I'll post it when it is up later today.






Thanks! The copper female started to relentlessly chase the blue, so I divided the tank temporarily. Here's what it looks like so far.
Very nice set ups! Is that dwarf hair grass I spy? It looks great. I tried some and it just kinda died on me.

Got my new plants in today!  Still need some more....but my driftwood also came in! Have it soaking. Hope to get my other females asap now! Filter has been switched over from the puffer tank. 
attibones said:
Very nice set ups! Is that dwarf hair grass I spy? It looks great. I tried some and it just kinda died on me.
 Yea it is! Figured I'd give it a shot. If it dies, it dies. lol!

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