My Angelfish Have Spawned! Pic & Vid

June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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I will def. continue to update this thread with any new happenings :)
So sorry to hear they've all disappeared, mumma!
Will follow the cory blog with interest!
We have eggs!!!!!!!!! Came home this afternoon to find the angels have laid another batch of eggs, on the same leaf :)
Both Mum and Dad guarding and fanning enthusiastically.  Seems to be more eggs this time as well.  Uploading a video as we speak, so it'll be up tonight!!
Awesome news! Was hoping they would have another go at it! Will check back for updates.
Great video and it's great to see them giving things another go so soon!
Good luck, again 

Here's the video embedded, for lazy people

He, he. They are so funny protecting them.
How did you make the video appear like this Josh? Before it used to be automatic but I couldn't figure how to do it now.
Just put the link in between (media) and (/media) but with square brackets 
Awesome, thanks Josh.
Snazy, it is Dad is very funny to sit and watch. Sometimes he goes completely horizontal lol.  He still gets crabby with me for coming too close to the glass too :rolleyes:
Day 2:   Eggs look great! only 7 have gone white out of a whole anubias leaf full of them.  It seems like Mum and Dad are both fanning much more than last time. Was a bit nervous about how my new polka dot loaches would be with the eggs, but so far no problems... I wouldn't mess with Dad either ;)
Yesterday I came home to find water gushing onto the floor, and thought my tank had cracked!!! Through the panic, I realized that it was coming from one of my filters (I've been having problems with bioslime clogging my sponges).  Fortunately, my filter wasn't leaking just so clogged that it was pumping all the water out of the top.  From where the water level was, Im guessing there was roughly 10 gallons of water on the floor :shout: .   Luckily I came home when I did and there is no damage, and everything was shortly back up and running... pretty terrifying experience though. Makes you think about things like "if my tank does crack, what in the world would I do with all of my fish?!"  lol
From the looks of the eggs this morning, it looks like about 85% of them have gone white :/   The only thing I can think of is from the water level being so low that the out take (that's almost directly overhead) made too much of a flow, I was actually surprised that the eggs didn't get blown off of their leaf.  I'll give another update when the lights go on.  
Yikes!!! That could have been so much worse! Hope you've got some surviving eggs!
Thanks Mamashack! It could have been A LOT worse. If i had come home 10 minutes later than I did, it could have been disastrous. Crazy how things like that happen.

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