My 190.


New Member
Jul 15, 2012
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Just thought I'd throw up a pic of my Trigon 190, hopefully some feedback will help me decide what to do with it.


The wife likes the red gravel, so that has to stay. Other than that, opinions welcome. =)
Is it 190 gallons or liters? If its liters, get rid of the loach and the tinfoil barb. Clown loaches grow to a foot (30 centimeterz) long, and the tinfoilbarbs get 14 inches.
Is it 190 gallons or liters? If its liters, get rid of the loach and the tinfoil barb. Clown loaches grow to a foot (30 centimeterz) long, and the tinfoilbarbs get 14 inches.

It's 190 litres. I've had both of those for around 2 years, and they've not really grown in the past 6 months. The tinfoil had an albino friend, which recently decided to float, and the loach had a friend too, who floated 2 weeks ago.
I'm not sure the tinfoil barb's eye is supposed to be sticking out like that? ???? :dunno:
I agree with crazy. A tank that size (and shape) isn't really suitable for your fish. If you rehomed them it would open up a whole world of possibilities.

As for decor suggestions, you could get some bogwood and live plants in there for a more natural look. I recently switched from fake plants to live and it makes a real difference. It isn't even that difficult to maintain.
I'm not sure I understand, why should they be rehomed if they've been happy there for 2 years? They've never grown much since I bought them tbh, my angel fish were bigger than the tinfoil barb.
My fish never seem to last long once their pair have died, so I'm not expecting them to last long.
That's a very, very bad way of thinking when keeping live animals.

For example, clown loaches live 20+ years. It's not growing because it's in a tank which is way too small for it, and it's a shoaling fish, too. So pretty much everything is wrong for it. Fishes live for years, so if you don't expect them to live long, they have died due bad fish keeping.

Also, all that fake stuff is not to my liking.

Rehome those fish, please, and have something smaller, like something nice, colourful tetras.
Ok, I didn't mean to come across all arrogant, if that's how it seemed. I bought them in pairs under the advice of the fella in the LFS at the time.
I appreciate the advice, I wasn't aware everythin was so out of order.
I'll look into rehoming them, and tetras was what I was planning in having once it's all changed up.
I'd say that a nice shoal (20+) cardinal tetras would look lovely. :) Or, if you want to keep your tank as colourful it is already, tetras that are not that colourful could be a nice contrast.

Great tank, I love the Trigon 190 :good: fit's prefect in any room! (If you have a corner for it :lol:)

I would re-home the fish. Sadly like a few others say... some LFS will give you false information just so they get a sale. Most only care about the money, not the animals.

Then while you have no live stock in the tank I would strip it down taking everything out :p. Use either black fine gavel or some nice sand and add some wood and plants!

Goodluck! :good:
Ok, so a friend of mine has a Trigon 350, and he's gonna take the tinfoil barb, and clown loach off my hands hopefully next week. This will hopefully tie in with me having some spare cash to look into new gravel/sand. Think I might keep the gravel as the wife likes it.

Realistically, how many tetras would I be able to have in my tank? Given the fact I'll need a few small plecs to keep the place clean too.
Your tank can hold only 1 or 2 small plecos. And plecos produce a lot of waste, so remember that they poo a lot more than they clean. :D

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