Multiple Severum In 1 Tank


Fish Addict
Feb 9, 2009
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Hi All,

Right so I have 1 Severum in my 550L (5ft) mixed SA community tank.
The Severum is one of my faves, and I would like to add some more.
Is it possible?
Will there be a lot of aggression between the Sevs?
And will there be a lot of aggression towards the other Cichlids?

At the moment the Sev I have seems very placid, and everyone seems to be getting on.
Don't want to cause chaos in my tank.

What is the stocking of the rest of the tank.

It could work but seriously depends on what else is in the tank and also on the existing sevs temperment and the new sevs temperment.

I would be intrigued to know peoples thoughts as I'm considering this too.

I wont hijack the thread with my stocking though :good:

I have 4 in my 75g, one is about 8" the others smaller, they have all grown up together and are fine (all males), i did introduce another 8" gold severum to my existing stock and they beat the crap out of him, so the key is growing them up together.
I have 4 in my 75g, one is about 8" the others smaller, they have all grown up together and are fine (all males), i did introduce another 8" gold severum to my existing stock and they beat the crap out of him, so the key is growing them up together.

Not 100% fool proof but it can help - main issue would be if you got a pair from a young age. Or one female among multiple males.

A bit of a mixed bunch.
Various Acaras, sajica, threadfin, Uaru, EBJD and the Severum.

At the moment, there isn't much conflict. And I don't want to "rock the boat" as it was.

I would be intrigued to know peoples thoughts as I'm considering this too.

I wont hijack the thread with my stocking though :good:


Feel free to "chip in". I don't mind.
Come on you know the drill :p We want exact numbers of each species and all species in there. Cant advise if I dont know all the facts.

I have 4 in my 75g, one is about 8" the others smaller, they have all grown up together and are fine (all males), i did introduce another 8" gold severum to my existing stock and they beat the crap out of him, so the key is growing them up together.

Yup, I think that could be the key.
The one I have has been in the tank for a month or so.
It will possibly see the newcomers as intruders.

Come on you know the drill :p We want exact numbers of each species and all species in there. Cant advise if I dont know all the facts.


Blue Acara x1
yellow Acara x1
sajica x1
threadfin x1
Uarus x4
Severum x1

I am probably close to my stocking limit anyway, but the Acaras may make way for the Severums if I can get that to work
I would call that pretty full but it might work out.

If your thinking of swapping fish out anyway I would do that and a rescape then add the new fish and see how it goes.

Any chance of some pics of the fish it sounds like a nice grouping :D

Sounds very full already mate, mine is crowded with the 4 Sevs!
I've got a 500l with just the 1 rotkeil and 8 Geophagus Tapajos, with 10 bleeding heart tetras. Still hoping to add a couple of Sevs if space allows but not sure if my adult Sev would approve of any newcomers although it seems to possess a mild temperament.
I've got a 500l with just the 1 rotkeil and 8 Geophagus Tapajos, with 10 bleeding heart tetras. Still hoping to add a couple of Sevs if space allows but not sure if my adult Sev would approve of any newcomers although it seems to possess a mild temperament.

If I am honest I would leave it at that - especially for cichlids - its an amazing tank! And you sometimes just have to know when to stop and just enjoy the tank. The question to ask is - if something goes wrong and you lost one of the big fish how would you feel? Does that thought out weigh the want of adding new fish?

I learned it the hard way :( If Im honest I had an incredible tank, absolutely loved it added more cichlids and one of the new ones killed my prized nicaraguan (in my dp) and I was left pretty devastated and then spent ages trying to get balance back in the tank and in doing so introduced an horrendous disease in which wiped out loads of my big fish and I am now left with what feels like a higldy pigldy tank with 2 fish I really want...

Long story short... know when to stop :/

To be honest every thing seems happy so (like you said) I am probably best leaving it and 'quit while I'm ahead' so to speak.

I may add to my cory population that I forgot to mention... I love the little guys!

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