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Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 14, 2020
Reaction score
Washington State, USA
So, I just had a 2nd generation of Neolamprologus Multifasciatus, or Multi Shell Dwellers, born into my tank. Up until now it had only been the original trio (1M 2F) breeding. I added more shells last week and tonight saw itty bitty fry swimming around.

I realize now that I will have to get some fish not related to mine and introduce them into my breeding colony.

What other difficulties have you guys encountered with breeding colonies, specifically multi generational colonies? What do I need to look out for?
Most breeders don't add new bloodlines to the original colony for fear of introducing diseases and having the fish fight over territories. The parent fish are much more tolerant of their own offspring living in the tank than new unrelated adults that will require a territory.

If you want to get new bloodlines, put them in a new tank and add some of your your fish to that tank. Try to buy all males or all females for the new bloodlines and add the opposite sex from your young fish.

Keep the original parents in their tank and just remove their young when they are big enough.
Awesome, thank you guys! I was worried about inbreeding and whatnot, as I have seen some results of that with my shrimp. I have a couple years before I have to worry about that it seems.
Line breeding is commonly done in the hobby. Admittedly, here and there deformities may occur and they are culled.
Now introducing 'fresh' genetic material may very well be beneficial, but more importantly may be breeding fish that present the very best traits. I know of breeders that line breed to produce the largest. most colorful fish. Charles Clapsaddle of Goliad Farms in South Texas does extensive selective line breeding. :)
ur gonna need a LOT OF SHELLS!!!!

shell dwellers are so cute lol
if you put a fancy show grade shell in there cleaned will the small fish still live in there or only common snail shells
ur gonna need a LOT OF SHELLS!!!!

shell dwellers are so cute lol
if you put a fancy show grade shell in there cleaned will the small fish still live in there or only common snail shells
I have about 40 shells in right now. Every time I add more, they spawn after about a week.


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