It's probably best to bag them up on the morning, this will cause them less stress,
When fish are stressed their immune system decreases and they are more susceptible to becoming ill.
The fish are usually the last thing I do, its always a bit extreme but I leave at least 2/3 hours for my fish. it's the most important and time consuming thing but it's got to be done right or there will be problems in the future.
Oh good luck with the move by the way
I know it's STRESSFUL I'm in the process of moving, but luckily it's 15 mins up the road and I've got 2 weeks to move my stuff over, I've bought 2 75ltr tubs with wheels and lids for the water, one 25ltr water butt (which should account for half of the water) and 3 smaller tubs for my sand, bog wood and plants, I've already been to pets at home and got 4 plastic bags, stocked up on dechlorinator tap safe, esha exit (just in case), and got my eyes on a back up tank online just incase this one breaks in the move... It's 300 litre, things we do lol