Moving House, Best Way To Move Tanks As Well?


May 28, 2013
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hi everyone.
so i am moving on the 12 of july and am starting to think on what the best way to move my tank would be?
its a 3 ft planted sorority with 20 females bettas 7 peppered cories and 2 bn plecs.
for obvious reasons i dont want them out of the tank for too long,
but i cant just put them straight back in at the other end for fear of fighting.
so what would be the best way to proceed here?
thanks in advance

here is my tank atm
I have just finished moving house and thankfully I had a smaller 2ft tank that wasn't in use.
So I drained the water from my main tank into the little one, moved the filter and heater over to it and then transferred the fish.
This allowed me to have lots of time to empty the other tank clean it and set it back up. Once I had it set up and ready to go I drained the water from the little tank into two buckets and seperated the fish between the two along with the filter media. I thankfully didn't have far to travel otherwise I would've bagged the fish instead.
Obviously I don't know the logistics of your house move and didn't have to worry too much about my fish fighting as they all get along nicely thankfully.
You could always bag each fish in polystyrene boxes with a heatpack which should give you enough time to do everything you need to.
the house is only ten mins away. its just a problem cause they squabble over territory
Maybe it will be worth investing in some bags for the bettas?
As i'm sure the cories and plecs will be fine all together in a bucket, mine certainly were :)
will standard food bags be ok? as it will only be for a max of half an hour
Unfortunately I couldn't comment on that as I don't know enough I'm afraid.
Hopefully one of the more experienced members of the forums will see this and give you some more advice.
I'm sure your bettas could live in bowls for the half hour (some people who don't know better keep them in bowls all the time so half an hour shouldn't be a big deal.) Then just reset up the tank and reintroduce them.
FTM22 said:
I'm sure your bettas could live in bowls for the half hour (some people who don't know better keep them in bowls all the time so half an hour shouldn't be a big deal.) Then just reset up the tank and reintroduce them.
thanks but i dont have 20 bowls handy :p
thanks all the same
Hahaha if you have a couple you could move them a few at a time but that would be a lot of going back and forth.
i'll see what i can get together. i got a couple months to prepare
My LFS gave me about 2 dozen bags for nothing so I can move (this weekend or next, more likely next).

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