Most Suitable Gourami With Small Angels


New Member
Apr 12, 2014
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So I know there's mixed reports on gouramis and angels together but I know have a lot of success just wondering what's the best gouramis to go with my 4 baby angels? And how many gouramis and what sex is best ? Must admit for look wise I love the honey gouramis.

Thankyou in advance!
I would say don't do it. Honeys and sparkling gourami may be small, but they may also get eaten by the angry adult angels. 3spot/opaline/gold gourami might become too territorial with adult angels.
depends on the size of your tank.
Many gourami would be fine with angels. I don't think a honey will be small enough for them to eat and larger gouramis should be fine, but a sparkling gourami might be a snack.
It will also massively depend on the temprement of the angels as they mature. Some become fish eating gits that are very aggressive towards tank mates.....otherwise will happily co-exist with their natural food (neons).

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