Mollys and platys

To breed more...? Have they already reproduced before or not? And if they did, what do you mean by breeding more?
First of all, you are sure that you've got both sexes in there? Even if there are both sexes present of both species, there could be some reasons why they won't reproduce. The female herself will decide wether she will allow a male to mate with her no matter how often a male is chasing her. It does happen that a female dislikes a male or certain males and no mating will happen. But in case they have mated, doesn't mean that a female will become pregnant right away. She could just store the sperm packets of the male and nothing will happen unless she will decide to open up one or more folds of her fallopian tube to release sperm packets that will fertilize her eggs.
It could also be stress that no reproduction will take place.

If you have both sexes, check the water parameters if they're still in line with the needs of these fish. If not, they won't reproduce either.

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