
Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
SPokane, Washington
ok i have 2 silver mollies 1 male 1 female (because loss or 1 othger female) well i was wondering if i could get a female ballon mollie and would she be fine with nothing of her kind? Ive got 2 silver mollies Male and a female. common (3inch) Pleco, and a beta and they all get along Just fine well

Any advice on the breeding question would be well needed, that would be insane and :cool: to have a silver boloon mollies that came from a male silver and a female bollon, thanx
Balloon mollies have trouble swimming compared to other fish. Like the fancy goldfish they can't compete with non fancy varieties. They swim awkwardly and have trouble getting food because of the other fish. I think that if balloon mollies and regular mollies mated some fry might be balloon and some normal but I am not sure because I don't know how balloon mollies are made.
U might be ok it depends which ever fish has the stronger jeans that will stand out on the fry so its hard to call :X
Well i speel it Mollie just because thats the first way i seen it wrote but everyone will know what your talkin about no maddedr how you spell it, thanx i think im gonna try it it seems like somethin to do but if i decide to do somethin differant ill let you know
Breeding two kinds should be fine
I type molly but it doesnt make a difference as long as you get the idea across
Same with the platies
I say play-tee when it is suppose to be pronounced pla-tee

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