Mollies dying.


Fish Crazy
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Kitchener, Ontario (Canada)
one of my yellow mollies died :rip: and now another one of them are dieing now i take it there all dieing off one by one what should i do!!! i don't see any sign of disease or anything and i didn't change the water this week so it can't be that
what should i do, put a treatment in there??? :huh: but what kind???
helppppp :-(
Well, you have to identify the problem first. Simply adding meds wont work. Do you have any other fish in there? How about ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte. In fact, it could be pH, kH, gH. these are the factors, especially if there apperar to be no signs. I suggest you get a test kit and do a 20-30% water change ASAP.

If you do add any treatments three things to bear in mind:

1. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS and follow the dosage exactly

2. Not all of them say it on the bottle but I have been told its the same for all treatments- they reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of the water, so make sure you have really good aeration (bubble blower, wall etc as well as power head).

3. Most fish apparently benefit from having a small amount of aquarium salts added to the tank when you're using meds, supposed to help boost their immune systems and improve electrolyte levels...

Sorry to hear about your losses.

Ps - see the topic on overfeeding - not accusing, just suggesting!

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