Minimum tank depth?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2020
Reaction score
Dorset, UK
I'm gradually and naturally phasing out my aquarium stock and now have two tanks, one being 166 litres (90cm wide x 42cm deep) and the other 132 litres (110cm x 28cm). In the larger tank I have 4 Pearl Gouramis, 1 dwarf Neon rainbowfish, and 1 Black Widow Tetra. In the smaller tank I have 5 Sterbai Cory, 4 Black Widow Tetra, and 2 Platys. So 17 fish spread across two tanks seems OTT and I'd like to put them altogether. To begin with I plan to accommodate them together in the bigger tank, and then eventually when there are fewer of them (most of them are around 3.5 years old) I'll change them over to the smaller tank which is an easier one for me to deal with. The depth of the smaller tank has never been a concern with the current inhabitants, but I wonder whether depth might be an issue for the bigger Pearl Gouramis, assuming that they are still around at the time I make the final switch. Is 28cm too shallow for them?
No. A lot of our small fish are from fairly shallow streams. The closeness to each other the pearls would experience might make them fight - that species loves to bicker. But shallow tanks are good, if you can still get a siphon in and start it for regular water changes.
Agreed. Footprint (length x width) is generally more important than depth. Pearl gouramis are surface-dwellers and usually prefer water on the shallower side. Just give them plenty of horizontal space, keep it clean and give them some floating plants to lurk under.
Totally agree with previous posters. I have some tall tanks I bought on a whim, they are harder to maintain ie 70cm tall. For a smaller tank I would prefer a 30cm height 12in, for tanks > 50 gallons I prefer 45 cm or 18 inch tall tank.
Totally agree with previous posters. I have some tall tanks I bought on a whim, they are harder to maintain ie 70cm tall. For a smaller tank I would prefer a 30cm height 12in, for tanks > 50 gallons I prefer 45 cm or 18 inch tall tank.
I know. I'm only 5'2 and I've perpetual bruises under my arms from reaching down into the bigger tank. Thanks all for responses.

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