Mind Checking This Over?

Is this overstocking?

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Man of fish

I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Nov 18, 2011
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Before I order the last of my fish how does this sound:

2 Molly
1 platy
4 cherry barbs
2 Bolivian rams
Have all those, this is what I have yet to get:
20 espeis rasbora
1 L200 green phantom plec
1 dwarf gourami? Just wanted a top dweller. Figured I could get away with it......
1 assassin snail

Not overstocking is it? I use a penguin bio-wheel 350 and do 50% weekly water changes. I'll be introducing these guys slowly, but I wanted to order the espeis, SAE, and L200 today or tomorrow so quick responses are appreciated. Thanks!

Also what would you remove or add?
What size tank is this for? Is it the 20?

Oops :blush: I don't have a 20.... It's for a 29 gallon.
I have 2 female and one male dwarf gouramis and for the record, they spend more of their time at the bottom around the mopani wood than they do at the surface :p
Cool I went slightly but it will be fine. Just keep up with your water regime - I would cut your number of Harlequins to be fair and put some of the load into your Cherry Barbs so maybe do 10 Harlequins and 8 Cherry Barbs, so you ended up with

2 Bolivian rams
1 dwarf gourami
10 espeis rasbora
8 cherry barbs
2 Molly
1 platy
1 L200 green phantom plec
3 assassin snail

Only thing I would say is be careful with the SAE as there are loads of species available under that name.

I have a 26.5 imperial gallon tank (120 litres or 30 US gallons) and I consider my self at the stocking max. I only plan on adding maybe 3 more neons? Perhaps you can use the stocking I have in my sig as a guideline, plus a few fish for the extra capacity you may or may not have (depending on what measurement your gallonage is in).
It's in US gallon ;)
I'm ordering them online and they are true SAE. I'm only getting 20 espeis because I get a discounted price but it may be down to 16 or 17 by the time they get here. Depending on how many there are maybe I can up the cherries to 6. What would be a better top dweller other than a DG?
Honeys aren't considered dwarf gouramis, and I was talking like other than goiramis
Sparkling Goruami? A trio or quad of them would be pretty nice.

I like them too, but not enough room.
Make one? There's a manage poll at the top of a new topic. Or to do it pick an answer and hit submit.

Yes, but I'm not a huge fan. Maybe I'd get 1 or 2 but I don't love them.
Maybe this would work?

2 Molly
1 platy
6 cherry barbs
2 Bolivian rams
15 espeis rasbora
1 L200 green phantom plec
3 sparkling gourami, or maybe matbled hatchet fish?
1 assassin snail

If that won't work I think I'll stick to my original plan :good:
I think thats a great choice :good: not sure wheather the others will think the same?

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