Might Be Getting A 150 Gallon....what?!


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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Sadly a coworker of mine is getting divorced.  He is moving out of his house and into an apartment and is getting rid of his 150 gallon tank and stand.  He doesn't have a filter or lights any longer.  
He offered it to me - not to sell, but GIVING it to me for FREE!
He has had it in storage the past year or so (in his garage) while they were trying to work things out and now just wants to give it to someone who will enjoy it... I fit that requirement!!!!     Overall the tank is about 3 years old and was a fresh water set up. 
I will be going to look at it hopefully this weekend (or if Easter plans get in the way next weekend) so the hubby and I can check it out.  I am hoping it is in acceptable condition.  If so we will borrow my father in laws truck for transport so I can take it home to the deck and do a water test to make sure it holds water - rather go through the pain of trials than the hassle of cleaning a flood! 
I have two Fluval 405s running on my 72 gallon now (I like to have the support of a "backup" in case one dies).  I am thinking of moving one to 150 gallon as a 'for now', while I look into getting a deal on a FX5 (or if anyone suggests another type of canister filter I am ALL EARS!).   When I get said larger filter, I will move the matured media from one of the 405s into it to prevent having to go through a cycle.  I will stock slow - - very slow as I have no idea how I want to be stocking this tank.
So....here is what I need from you guys - - recommendation of a filtration system and help thinking of a stocking!!!  
I am staying with freshwater and think I want to move my young Senegal Bichir into the tank.  So stocking around him would be much appreciated (he is about 4" right now).   He would love the 150 much more than a 72 so he is a definite.   
I hope it's in good condition as well, congrats!
How about some more bichirs to keep your sen company? Any upper jaw except for teugelsi and ornate should be fine.
Upper Jaw Species-Upper jaw protrudes past lower jaw
P. palmas palmas ('palmas' bichir)- 13"
(subspecies)P. palmas polli ('marbled bichir)- 14"
(subspecies) P. palmas buettikoferi ('buettikoferi' bichir)- 13"
P. ornatipinnis ('ornate' bichir)- 27"
P. delhezi ('armoured' or 'delhez's' bichir)- 14"
P. senegalus senegalus ('Senegal' or 'Cuiver's' bichir)- 12"
(possible subspecies)P. senegalus meridionalis- 12"+
There is, Also the possibility of a third member of the Polypterus senegalus
group that is found in the Nile River 
P. retropinnis ('retropinnis' bichir)- 14"
P .mokelembembe
P. weeksi ('week's' bichir)- 20"
P.teugelsi (found only in the Cross river)-16.75''
E. calabaricus ('Ropefish')- 15"-30" (Closer to 15''-20'' in captivity)
Lower Jaw Species-Lower protrudes past upper jaw
P. endlicheri endlicheri ('saddled' or 'red' bichir)- 32", possibly more
(subspecies)P. endlicheri congicus ('giant' or 'congo' bichir)- 39"
P. Bichir lapradei ('Lapradei' bichir)- 24"
P. bichir bichir-30+ ''
^That info was not put together by me.
Maybe a group of leopard ctenopoma and a knife fish like the brown or black ghost? :) HERE is a journal for my 129 which will also have bichirs, don't know if it'll give you any ideas.
Please post pics if/when you get it!
I have young leopard ctenopoma now and am thinking of adding them, the current young Senegal Bichir and probably 1-2 more Bichirs (probably other Senegals).
I am leaning towards a red/gold severum as I have always fancied them...
Blood parrots are another possibility. 
Not looking for angels, even though they would look great...I had an evil pair before who took over the 72 gallon and am not looking for a repeat.  
Not looking for discus either
Type of schooling - - Tiger Barbs?  Congo Tetras?
Consider a sump.
Also this info might help. It is from glasscages.com a manufacturer of tanks here in the States.
Many people think a regular pickup truck is enough. If you are buying a tank that's 24" wide, a stand that's 24" wide actually comes out to be 50", and the 2 items WON'T sit next to each other in a pickup or an SUV. Reserve a U-Haul trailer. There's no mileage charge, they're roomy, and if it's raining, the oak stands won't get wet.
This may not be an issue as 150s are usually just over 18 inched front to back. However, these tanks are dang heavy. Bring 4 strong people to move it.
Was there supposed to be a link with info in your reply?    
I didn't even think of a Uhaul - I'll definitely look into one if the truck isn't large enough. 
Is the tank going to be planted? Bichirs will eat anything that can fit in their mouth, and try to eat things that don't. This is why I've just given up on schooling fish for my tank since it has plants.
If you're not doing plants then maybe something like silver dollars? I have read of bichirs taking down congo tetras. They get bigger than tiger barbs so I'd think those would be out too.
Arulius or filamentosus barbs get a decent size and look lovely. They may nibble plants though. Maybe upside down catfish like synodontis nigriventris?
Id get about 5 senegals if i were you lol
A planted tank may be hard to maintain with bichirs lol they dont really care about rearranging stuff
Do you like ropefish?
The congos would be large enough for senegals i wouldnt trust any other bichirs though.
Those knifefish would be lovely as well.
Your ctenopoma would be good in there as well.
I have a beautiful asian leaf fish that is one of my favorites, though he was a little hard to get to start eating, feed mine live foods, guppies, ghost shrimp and just recently mealworms, and he eats bloodworms abely now.
Palmas bichirs are very lovely, you might want to look into that.
Severums are beautiful as well.
It will be planted low tech - mostly Swords as they have survived nearly every fish I have ever had. I tie the roots to a rock and submerge that in the sand to keep it in place. 
I am hoping to see the tank this week - was delayed due to Easter festivities on both sides
An Oscar or similar south American cichlid and a colony of bichirs might be fun:)
 You could also get some fancy Plecos or a Raphael cat.
Well, finally was able to see the tank last night.....it is a 75 gallon. 

Oh well....it looked in ok (if dirty) condition so I took it.  Hey, it's a free tank, right?
Also came with the wrought iron stand, a small piece of driftwood and four 20lbs bags of sand. 
I have it sitting at the interior edge of the garage now and will try and get it filled this weekend for a water test on the seals...
Fingers crossed 

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