Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Sadly a coworker of mine is getting divorced. He is moving out of his house and into an apartment and is getting rid of his 150 gallon tank and stand. He doesn't have a filter or lights any longer.
He offered it to me - not to sell, but GIVING it to me for FREE!
He has had it in storage the past year or so (in his garage) while they were trying to work things out and now just wants to give it to someone who will enjoy it... I fit that requirement!!!! Overall the tank is about 3 years old and was a fresh water set up.
I will be going to look at it hopefully this weekend (or if Easter plans get in the way next weekend) so the hubby and I can check it out. I am hoping it is in acceptable condition. If so we will borrow my father in laws truck for transport so I can take it home to the deck and do a water test to make sure it holds water - rather go through the pain of trials than the hassle of cleaning a flood!
I have two Fluval 405s running on my 72 gallon now (I like to have the support of a "backup" in case one dies). I am thinking of moving one to 150 gallon as a 'for now', while I look into getting a deal on a FX5 (or if anyone suggests another type of canister filter I am ALL EARS!). When I get said larger filter, I will move the matured media from one of the 405s into it to prevent having to go through a cycle. I will stock slow - - very slow as I have no idea how I want to be stocking this tank. is what I need from you guys - - recommendation of a filtration system and help thinking of a stocking!!!
I am staying with freshwater and think I want to move my young Senegal Bichir into the tank. So stocking around him would be much appreciated (he is about 4" right now). He would love the 150 much more than a 72 so he is a definite.
He offered it to me - not to sell, but GIVING it to me for FREE!
He has had it in storage the past year or so (in his garage) while they were trying to work things out and now just wants to give it to someone who will enjoy it... I fit that requirement!!!! Overall the tank is about 3 years old and was a fresh water set up.
I will be going to look at it hopefully this weekend (or if Easter plans get in the way next weekend) so the hubby and I can check it out. I am hoping it is in acceptable condition. If so we will borrow my father in laws truck for transport so I can take it home to the deck and do a water test to make sure it holds water - rather go through the pain of trials than the hassle of cleaning a flood!
I have two Fluval 405s running on my 72 gallon now (I like to have the support of a "backup" in case one dies). I am thinking of moving one to 150 gallon as a 'for now', while I look into getting a deal on a FX5 (or if anyone suggests another type of canister filter I am ALL EARS!). When I get said larger filter, I will move the matured media from one of the 405s into it to prevent having to go through a cycle. I will stock slow - - very slow as I have no idea how I want to be stocking this tank. is what I need from you guys - - recommendation of a filtration system and help thinking of a stocking!!!
I am staying with freshwater and think I want to move my young Senegal Bichir into the tank. So stocking around him would be much appreciated (he is about 4" right now). He would love the 150 much more than a 72 so he is a definite.