
Mostly New Member
Jul 8, 2014
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My guppies have had fry multiple times and i have never had a fry be a midget. The "fry" is now 5-6 months old and has grown a little bit but is still way to small for its age. I got baby black bar endlers and the guppy is only a little bit bigger than the endlers! Anyone know whats wrong with the fish?
What is your tabk size and how many guppies and endlers you got in it? Might be stunt growth
For the first month it was in a 1 gallon tank with maybe 3 other fry, then it was in the 1 gallon tank by itself for about 4 months with just a heater. Then it was still in the 1 gallon tank with two baby endlers for about 2-3 days. now it's currently in a ten gallon tank with one male endler, 1 algae eater, 1 female guppy, and the 2 baby endlers
(I'm moving the fish around because a recent fish death caused a ratio problem.
I would suggest it's stunted after being kept in such a small tank, another possibility is that it's an endler not a guppy & therefore smaller.

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