Marine Beginner


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2012
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Im buying a second hand tank tomorrow. It's an established marine set up. I've never kept marine before so could really use some advice on how to get started. I don't want anything to go wrong straight away. How much new water is safe to add when I'm setting it up as I won't be able to keep all of the original. The tank is 180 litres.

I could really do with an idiots guide to get started
Is the tank currently running? What is in it? Any livestock? Is it dried out? What all is there as far as equipment goes?

I would transfer as much of the old water as you can for now

whats actually in the tank that your getting? live rock, coral, fish etc? Let us know what your getting and we can start from there

This is what is included. The tank is up and running at the minute, obviously I will try to keep as much of the water as possible, transporting it is the problem, as I don't know where to get suitable containers. Should I go get salt tomorrow or possibly some ready mixed water? I think my local store does ready mixed

yellow box fish 
valentiti puffer 
pair of maroon clowns (fully grown) 
blue yellow tailed damsel fish x2 
regal tang (fully grown) 
goby (pink spots) 
blue green chromis 
orange chromis 
turbo snail 
cowery snails 
sea anemone long tentical xl 
fleresent green anemone small x3 
green carpet anemone 
zola coral 
blue black sponge xl 
leather toadstool coal xl 
100kg of liverock
Eeek. The tangs need more space than this tank gives them.

Get premixed salt water. Big box stores sell water storage containers normally that you can transport these in. How far are you shipping this thing? You need to catch and get each bit of fish in containers or plastic bags with oxygen (don't blow into the bag like a balloon) and move them and the tank as soon as you can while being very careful.

I've never moved a tank, but it would be my guess that setting up the tank again needs to be done quickly, heat that water as quick as you can and reacclimate all your guys back into the tank. That water is gonna take a bit to warm up =/

More will msg. This is just my thoughts.

Hi, thanks for your help

I'm not moving it far, about 15 minute drive. I was intending using big plastic containers for moving the live stock

I'm just worried about replacing the water. Do I have to buy a certain mix or anything like that?

How much would premixed water be anyway?
Here in Utah. Premixed water is usually a salinity of 1.025 ish.. They really only mix it what your tank should be at unless you really like changing out salt level for specific reasons. They mix it in a HUGE container (like 2,000 gallons)and you only get one kind of salt water. You can also get R/O water which I would recommend for topping off water that evaporates. Salt stays in the tank, so you have to dilute it back down with the R/O or Pure water =). Do not use tap. It contains additives that fish do NOT need or want and or can not have.

Cost here is $0.75 per Gallon. See if you can save at least half the water from your tank =) even if you get the tank moved refill with the half from the tank, leave the house go get the fresh water come back and finish filling it. IF it doesn't take TOO long to do that it would work just fine. Just make sure you get that water heating up while you go get more water.

What are the tank dimensions ?
Just a word of caution as you may know box fish can give off deadly toxins if stressed, and anemone are just as bad and can be troublesome to care for. Make sure any powerheads are covered in case they decide to roam.
If you can get a large van to transport everything quickly and use the tank water everything should go smoothly- good luck
rather than start my own thread I thought I would just post in here. Since I am also a salty newb. Anyways, my 125G has been running for nearly two weeks. Cured live rock. My ammonia 0.001, 77F, 1.025 salinity, pH 8.0. I drove a few hours to my LFS hoping to progress from the empty tank besides the live rock. They suggested cleaners and maybe a few cheaper fish. So I brought home a few Turbo snails (5), a Yellowtail Damselfish, and a Coris Wrasse. By the time I got home the Wrasse looked in rough shape. The Damsel looked fine, and was quite energetic in the tank once he was acclimated. So I decided to head to bed and when I got up this morning, the Wrasse and Damsel are nowhere to be found. I've tried moving some rocks around, but don't want to get too carried away. Its been hours now with no sightings, so I fear the worse. Is it possible they have just taken cover in the live rock and are ok? I thought for sure my paramaters were good or I never would have added the fish if the tank wasn't ready. Any suggestions on what happened, and where I should go from here?
100 kg of live rock? Id be surprised if 180 litres, is it 180 gallons?

post the dimensions and we can go from there
125 gallons 72x18x22. I can't tell you the exact weight of the live rock just right now. I have it in my records. I know I bought a ton of it, and it costs a fortune. If you need to know exactly how much live rock I will dig up my invoice. I appreciate the help.
well wasn't due to the water parameters. I had a few water tests done today, and both come back clean. Apparently the coris wrasse will burrow for days. Still shocked I haven't seen a trace of him or his body. I hope he's alive, but I kind of doubt it. I would have seen him by now?
I would recommend slowing down. I started adding "cheap fish" and ended up with fish I did not really want, and did not want to kill them.... Think hard about a list you want of fish. Post it up so people on the forum can tell you about the compatibilities and their stories about the different fish, then make an informed decision =).

Right now you just need a clean up crew. Get the snails a few hermits maybe a fighting conch. If levels still check out get a shrimp! Shrimp are fun and pretty and easy to care for. If the shrimp lives for a good week or two start with your wanted fish list.

I hope the fish comes out. I think you might see ammonia show up if he died as your CUC is not established. I have never had a fish hide more than a few hours. I always turn lights off when I float and acclimate, then they see the light of day next morning.

Oh, by the way. You should start up a journal in the Journals section and post your pics/thoughts =) and you can read others journals as well. You will learn a lot as I have just from reading others experiences.

Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately the whole deal fell through. I've a new tank bought now but I'm sticking to freshwater

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