Maracyn, Maracyn II and Maracyn Plus


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
Sorry in advance if this is a really dumb question.......

And please don't go on about different shaped bacteria and gram negative and gram positive - o level biology was a heckuva long time ago :D

I think my guppy/community tank may have columnaris. :byebye: guppies :eek: . I have read up and found out that dosing Maracyn 1 and 2 together combats about everything, so is a good general antibiotic. I have ordered some from the US but it may take a while to get here. In the mean time I have some Maracyn Plus - is this like a combination of 1 and 2 or is it aimed at different types of bacterial infections? Should I use some whilst waiting for the 1 and 2 to arrive and then use that, just wait for the 1 and 2, or just use the Maracyn Plus?

I have done regular large water changes and gravel vacs in the last week or so and kept the fishies as quiet as possible. i think this was all sparked off when I set up the Malawi tank and everyone got moved around a whole lot = stressed = run down = ill :/ :/ :/

Grateful for any advice.

Add some salt if you have no scaless fish, as columnaris hates salt, good luck.
Right can't add salt then, you maybe could give the really bad fish with columnaris a salt bath.
Here's the difference:
Maracyn: meant for bacterial infections.
Treats: columnaris (body fungus), fin & tail rot, popeye, gill disease and secondary infections (hence the use of this along with maracyn two)
Symptoms of these would include clamped fins, swollen eyes, heavy or rapid breathing, patchy coloration, change in swimming behavior or corner hiding

Maracyn Two: meant for internal infections
Treats: fin & tail rot, popeye, gill disease, dropsy, septicemia, secondary & internal infections AND really good to try for fish that won't eat
Symptoms of those would include clamped fins, general listlessness, not eating or other unusual behavior - caused by interna infections
It's absorbed thru the fish's skin - and the concentration of the meds builds up in the fish to a therapeutic level and fights systemic infections.

Maracyn-Plus - I've not personally used it, but from what I know about it, it basically prevents reinfection during treatment. It also contains 2 antibiotics which actually attach themselves to the fish, and deliver the antibiotics directly to the fish withouth having to absorb it thru their skin from the water.

Basically, Maracyn is meant for more fungal type of infections
Maracyn 2 is meant for more bacterial and internal infections
Maracyn Plus keeps them from getting re-infected

Hope that all helps.
Hi SarahBravo :)

Columnaris is just one kind of bacteria that can attack your fish. It can move through a tank very quickly and can be very deadly. The very fact that this hasn't happened is good. Perhaps your fish have some other, milder bacterial infection.

If you have MelaFix, it's often enough to stop the infection and, along with frequent and substantial water changes, it might be enough.

If not, I would treat them with both Maracyn and Maracyn 2 when they arrive.

Good luck. I hope your fish recover quickly.
Thanks people :) I have been Melafixing and tried Myaxin (sp?) - lost 7 female guppies so far and possibly my bulldog pleco (can't find him). One female guppy is looking rather sickly, as are the 2 badis badis. The mollies looked a bit listless for a couple of days but have perked up. Everyone else seems fine (fingers crossed) although the 2 male guppies' tails are very ragged. All the water parameters are fine, been doing lots of water changing and gravel cleaning.

Will keep up with the melafix, and if there's no improvement will try the Maracyn when it arrives. Hope that does the trick - am gonna run out of guppies soon :byebye:
Hi SarahBravo :)

Waterlife’s Myxazin or Interpet’s AntiFungus and Finrot are considered by many to be the best medications for your fishes' problem available in the UK. Since you have started with Myxazin, why not continut the treatment as directed. Perhaps it will work out well.

Make sure that you have no carbon in your filter too.

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