I got a gorgeous (handsome?) male platy today, along with a calico female and a sunset burst female.
This may be too early to mention, but he doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the females. He seems like he kind of half-courts the calico, but he nips aggressively at the sunset burst female.
Also, I'm not entirely sure what variety he is. I will try and post some pics tomorrow or the next day, because my camera is dead at the moment...
I'm kind of guessing that he was just getting settled into the tank today, I just want to know if anyone thinks if he will eventually show any interest later on.
This may be too early to mention, but he doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the females. He seems like he kind of half-courts the calico, but he nips aggressively at the sunset burst female.
Also, I'm not entirely sure what variety he is. I will try and post some pics tomorrow or the next day, because my camera is dead at the moment...
I'm kind of guessing that he was just getting settled into the tank today, I just want to know if anyone thinks if he will eventually show any interest later on.