Luckiest Betta In The World


Fish Crazy
May 15, 2010
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For a week or so, my female betta has been enjoying a lightly planted 60 gallon tank all to herself. I just added a few clown loaches yesterday so she's not alone anymore, but I feel so happy that she doesn't have to live in a little cup anymore. Bettas really love swimming around and exploring big tanks. She watches the loaches with great interest.
Yep my fighters all enjoy being in large tanks with other fishy and shrimp company. The smallest tank I currently have a fighter in is 20L, then a 38L and right up to 145L (approx), 213L (approx) and 198L (approx), and even in a deep tank they will explore all parts to it.
Sounds good :)

You should post some photos ;)
However clown loaches need a 5ft tank Atleast Ime afraid :crazy:

Yep I read gallons a litres :lol: Wich is a big difference
However clown loaches need a 5ft tank Atleast Ime afraid :crazy:


a 6x2x2 tank is recommended for a full school of adults. Since they grow ridiculously slow, it could be a good sum of years before they need a tank that size though. It's not so much the loaches I'm worried about, as it is that clown loaches really prefer to have a good water current in the tank, and that's no good for the betta fish who like calmer water.
Clown loaches are very big fish compared to what we usually discuss here in the betta section. I have seen them in a fellow club member's tank at well over 4 inches long and quite tall. I( would not try to keep even one in less than about 40 gallons. That club member has his in around 240 gallons, 900 litres.

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