Lots Of Help Needed!


Sep 8, 2010
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Hi guys back again just wondering what would be best to dose in my planted tank. Setup is the following. Juwel rio 125 tank with x2 t8 bulbs(not 100% on the wattage as im not at home)with reflectors and the substrate is the caribsea super naturals stuff also im using the sena tablets you put directly under the plant. What should i be dosings and what's the best make for £££. Also non co2

Cheers James
The best ferts are the complete kind that include N, P and K, along with trace ferts. Brands which I know do this are tropica and the nutrient company. I personally would recommend the nutrient company's one as it pretty much the same as the tropica but cheaper. You can get it from fluid sensor online.
id recommend making your own. its easy enough to do :good:
The best ferts are the complete kind that include N, P and K, along with trace ferts. Brands which I know do this are tropica and the nutrient company. I personally would recommend the nutrient company's one as it pretty much the same as the tropica but cheaper. You can get it from fluid sensor online.

Ones containing NPK are used for CO2 rich tanks, as this is not depending on which plants you have and what power your lighting is you'll only need trace elements.
So what should i be dosing then...cheers for all for help aswell steveo
Are you in the UK? What's your lighting, stock and plant mass as you may not need to dose anything?
The best ferts are the complete kind that include N, P and K, along with trace ferts. Brands which I know do this are tropica and the nutrient company. I personally would recommend the nutrient company's one as it pretty much the same as the tropica but cheaper. You can get it from fluid sensor online.

Ones containing NPK are used for CO2 rich tanks, as this is not depending on which plants you have and what power your lighting is you'll only need trace elements.

I have always dosed complete ferts with NPK even in my "low tech" tanks, with no CO2 (or very little liquid CO2) and low lighting. As long as regular water changes are carried out to remove any excess nutrients that haven't been taken up by the plants, I didn't have algae issues apart from a bit of dust on the glass.
The fact that the light version and the full version are the same price makes me sway towards the full version too - I'd rather have all 3 NP&K than just the 1 for the same price and know the plants aren't going to be deficient.
That's fine but I think the idea is it might put the nitrate through the roof and being low tech you don't need anywhere near as much.
Yes im in uk, lighting is 2 x 18w t8 bulbs in a 125 litre. 8 plants in there so i'd say quite well planted. Stock is 10 corys 1 bristlenose plec 2 angels 1 gourami and a bolivian ram. Also how long is best to have lights on?
8-10 hours max really and can we see a pic of your tank? ID ing the plants will help a bit but you have nice low lighting and a fair stock so might be ok without ferts, any deficiencies with the plants?
Well i had argos play sand and went through plant after plant with them slowly decaying so now i have the caribsea super natural sand which im hoping will be much better for plants but so far so good plants seem ok but only had this sand in just over a week. Carn't get pics right now but i will try sort something.
If i was to add ferts to help my plants flourish what would be best
Something like aqua nourish. I use it and its great stuff.
Is that all im needing to add? Starting to notice my plants are going a little brown now also where's best to buy this product? Also thanks again steveo you have been much help
Aqua essentials sell it mate, don't buy the Nourish+ you just need standard Nourish. Should be all you need providing you have good flow in there to all the plants, if not a wave maker (koralia) might help the flow. Any pic's yet?

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