Looking To Finish Off My Stock, Ideas Please


Fish Fanatic
Nov 17, 2012
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Hello, I have a 125ltr tank with a Fluval U3. Current stock includes 5 Cory, 6 Celestial Pearl Danio, and 8 Lambchop rasboras. I would like some bigger mid/high swimming fish preferably with colour. Any ideas please? I did try an Agassizi but he didn't live long (my PH is 8.0 which is probably the root cause, all other levels fine in mature tank/filter).
I wouldn't call a honey gourami "bigger" but with lambchop rasboras, you don't want to go that big, because they could become a snack.  Honeys are a good option.  I just got my first two yesterday, VERY pleased so far.  I had a dwarf gourami who was also lovely, but he only lasted 6 months... they just aren't that hardy.  Honeys are.
eaglesaquarium said:
I wouldn't call a honey gourami "bigger" but with lambchop rasboras, you don't want to go that big, because they could become a snack.  Honeys are a good option.  I just got my first two yesterday, VERY pleased so far.  I had a dwarf gourami who was also lovely, but he only lasted 6 months... they just aren't that hardy.  Honeys are.
I've had my dwarf gouramis for seven months, and they have survived through a bout of ich! So it really depends on the fish :) 
But yes a honey, sunset, or dwarf gourami (powder blue, fire red, etc.) would be a lovely colorful edition.
Cheers, do like all the suggestions. Would I be able to mix one red dwarf, with one honey? I guess I need to make sure one's male/one female? 
Timberbatch said:
I wouldn't call a honey gourami "bigger" but with lambchop rasboras, you don't want to go that big, because they could become a snack.  Honeys are a good option.  I just got my first two yesterday, VERY pleased so far.  I had a dwarf gourami who was also lovely, but he only lasted 6 months... they just aren't that hardy.  Honeys are.
I've had my dwarf gouramis for seven months, and they have survived through a bout of ich! So it really depends on the fish

But yes a honey, sunset, or dwarf gourami (powder blue, fire red, etc.) would be a lovely colorful edition.
Yes it matters individual to individual.  Generally speaking, when discussing the hardiness of the species, one is referring to the mean fish.  The odds of getting hardy honey gourami is much higher than getting hardy dwarf gourami.  Similarly, many folks on here complain about the sensitivity of neon tetras, yet I've successfully kept 9 for over a year and a half, with no problems.  The source is a key factor as well.  They need to be carefully bred to ensure that the offspring are not too inbred.  Inbreeding is the biggest problem in the hobby, and the same goes for ANY pets.  

NickBFC said:
Cheers, do like all the suggestions. Would I be able to mix one red dwarf, with one honey? I guess I need to make sure one's male/one female? 
If you decide to go honey gourami, a trio would be lovely - more so than one honey and one dwarf.  Personally, I'd not keep two dwarfs.  Two male dwarfs wouldn't get along so well in that tank, and its harder to find females.
Thanks, agree a trio of Honey would look nice. Might pop along to LFS in a bit and get some!

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