Looking for these plants to aquascape with



Looking for the following plants,

Crinum Natans (1 potted)

Brazilian Pennywort (1 potted)

Hygrophila corymbosa (1 potted)

Dwarf baby tears (1 potted or in very small mat)

Monte Carlo (1 potted or in very small mat)

I will be buying these plants hopefully by/on Wednesday but I thought I'd post this now so I can get a head start on who has these plants and such,

When I do hopefully get these plants, and plant them and such (with a design) I will post a pic of it here.
If anyone has the following plants, plz comment or pm
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I have at least a dozen crinum natans that I purchased from the aquatic experience show last weekend. I have so many plants I don't know what to do with them. I'm trying to sell as many as I can.

I currently have lots of crinum natans, a couple crinum calamistratum, amazon sword, crypts, LOTS of S. Repens. I had lots of crypt tropica and some monte carlo but I sold my extras quick.

Also if I'm not mistaken, aren't monte carlo and DBT the same thing? I have regular baby tears or pearlweed which is great for aquascaping.

yea this one I do finally, using a 5lb paintball tank
also here is the difference;
HC, also known as dwarf baby tears, is a popular, finicky carpeting plant that has very small leaves that pretty much requires high light and pressurized co2 in order to be successful. Very short root system, thus very easy to uproot. Many people like to dry start with HC so it can root. A rather overrated plant, IMO, though it does look nice.

HM, hemianthus micranthemoides, baby tears/pearlweed, will also carpet in high light/pressurized co2. If neither of those are provided, it will grow straight up and can get quite tall. Has larger leaves than HC, though it's still small.

Monte carlo, micranthemum tweedei, can carpet in medium light/no co2, though obviously it would be faster to carpet with pressurized co2. Roots much better than HC. My carpet of choice at the moment. Has larger leaves than HC, but still small.

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