Looking for a small fish

Yes, ther are native species that stay small. Like sticklebacks, or most common the minnow which now comes in different colour forms like golden.
You could try Flag Fin Shiners... is this a ten gallon?
Keep at least three- they like to school. I'm pretty sure they stay smallish-not over four inches long. They dont require a heater,eat anything and are hardy once established. ( and they're pretty too!)
You can probably find them at a bait store if you cant catch your own. They are alot like red tailed sharks in appearance. Only thinner looking/more streamlined.
No, it's 1-2.5 US galls (that's right, isnt it gg?).

Maybe sea monkeys?! LOL No, white cloud mountain minnows would be good as someone suggested on ACC - http://www.fishpondinfo.com/wcmm.htm - if you really want to keep something in it.

To be honest I think that tank is a bit small, but I have heard many times that wcmm do well in a small well kept environment.

:D I too recommend WCMM... I have a school of them in my largest tank. They are lovely fish iwht lovely colours :D
Ok, I may have to try some of those. The tank is a 2.5 gallon. I was gonna get a 1 gallon, but I figured the only thing that can go in that is a betta, maybe. And I already have a cycled 2.5 thats empty (RIP to one of my bettas :( ) So, how many would I put in there? I realize they like to school, but I don't want to overcrowd them...I may just ditch the whole thing and get the killifish I'm researching...

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