amazon swords will not grow in an undosed tank unless they are the only plant in there. there demand for iron is too high. its possibl;e they will live but not before half the leaves yellow and die, im speaking from experience
But... They will. I had an an Amazon sword in with stacks of other plants: mosses, wysteria (if I remember correctly), cabomba, Java fern, some type of crypts (I now know from looking on this site), and others that I couldn't name. My sword thrived and grew enormous with the most impressive root system I have seen. I had it for roughly six years until my lights died while I was on holiday. (Actually the entire hood cracked in half, but that is another story.) The only thing that really didn't do well was the cabomba. I never have much luck with that stuff and don't bother anymore. Having only light from my window, where the curtains were left slighly open for three weeks was the downfall of the sword, and most of the other plants. It still lived after that, but it did decline and was never the massive jungle of growth it had been before. I don't know how long they are supposed to live so I guess it could have been reaching its end anyway. I got a number of off-cuts from it that thrived as well.
I forgot that the most important part was that I only used fertiliser two or three times in all of those years because the stuff I could get was horrible - it left a powder on things (I don't know what it was now), and it put me off. I also decided it wasn't necessary since my plants were doing okay.