Lfs In Or Around Banbury?


New Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Asking on behalf of someone who has bought a new small tank & has received (IMO) awful service. Looking for somewhere that understands new tanks & will help him rather than just sell whatever is asked for & then recommend more fish to test the water because they're cheaper than a test kit! :rolleyes:

If anyone in the area would be willing to donate mature media that would be much appreciated.
Maidenhead Aquatics @ Oxford (Wheatley) is just off the M40 (south of Banbury)

The Goldfish Bowl in the middle of Oxford (horrible to get to though)

World of Water @ Bicester (M40/A41)

Maidenhead Aquatics @ Aylessbury (M40/A41)

Dunstable Aquatics (fairly obvious that one...)

Fathoms Aquatics in Leighton Buzzard (not been in many years, not worth a long journey on its own at best of times)

I dont know any shops north of Banbury as its out of my area lol.
Thanks, which would you say is the best of them?
Maidenhead Aquatics @ Oxford (Wheatley). Its probably the easiest to get to, just hop on the M40 and down. Its also the biggest shop, really huge! And I know they will give sound advice :)

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