Fish Fanatic
My fish are acting quite boring, is there anything i can do?
The tank is 180 litre and the stocking is,
10 harlequin rasbora
5 albino corys
2 angel fish
4 Bolivian rams
1 bristlenose
1 golden nugget plec
Everything is fine in the tank water stats are good and it has been set up a few years, most of the tank mates have been in over around 2 years but they never seem to do much. The tank has recently changed from fully planted but even then they weren't the most active of fish.
As you can see from the picture the majority of the tank goes unused most of the time, the angel fish hide away in the corners, harlequins never stray far away from a group in one lower part and the Bolivians just hide around the rocks. The albino corys are about the most active and venture around the tank but it just isn't enough for the size of the tank
. I was just wondering is there anything i can do to encourage activity or any slight stocking changes a could make to make things a little more interesting?
Opinions and advice more than welcome
The tank is 180 litre and the stocking is,
10 harlequin rasbora
5 albino corys
2 angel fish
4 Bolivian rams
1 bristlenose
1 golden nugget plec
Everything is fine in the tank water stats are good and it has been set up a few years, most of the tank mates have been in over around 2 years but they never seem to do much. The tank has recently changed from fully planted but even then they weren't the most active of fish.

As you can see from the picture the majority of the tank goes unused most of the time, the angel fish hide away in the corners, harlequins never stray far away from a group in one lower part and the Bolivians just hide around the rocks. The albino corys are about the most active and venture around the tank but it just isn't enough for the size of the tank
Opinions and advice more than welcome