Lack Of Flow/co2 Issues


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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Top photo, That clump of thick green stuff is like algae and the bottom photo is thin and algae like only brown.
Now my filter turns over 1000lph and my powerhead does 1600lph. On paper it suggests thats fine but am now heavily planted and my powerhead is not coping very well. There's no sway in my plants or anything. Its just too underpowered. Should I look at another powerhead? My tanks 200L or 53gallons.
I think your problem is fluctuating co2 levels not flow. Like you said on paper you have more than enough flow. Infact I have less flow than you per litre and dont have this problem. Are you injecting yet or are you still low tech and are you using your leds?
Been the same since I started, No CO2 and 60watts of T8 light. Never had this issue and its only started to creep up now.
Are you doing large water changes?
Thats quite alot for a low tech with no co2. 40-50% is recommended for high techs. Large water changes like this will swing your waters natural co2 levels back n forth thus causing an algae out break. Remember theirs no need for huge water changes in a heavily planted low tech. Nitrates are your friend not your enemy. Agae will adapt to this fluctuation alot quicker than your plants so your plants never get a chance to out compete the algae. Are you also dosing NKP?
SLIM said:
Thats quite alot for a low tech with no co2. 40-50% is recommended for high techs. Large water changes like this will swing your waters natural co2 levels back n forth thus causing an algae out break. Remember theirs no need for huge water changes in a heavily planted low tech. Nitrates are your friend not your enemy. Agae will adapt to this fluctuation alot quicker than your plants so your plants never get a chance to out compete the algae. Are you also dosing NKP?
I do larger waterchanges as nitrates are known to kill german blues. So I keep my nitrates undercontrol. But it's not a nitrate issue it's CO2/Flow.
 I dose NT daily.
I agree. Fluctuating co2. But hows your co2 levels fluctuating if your not injecting? Lol
Okay you know best. My tank has no algae what so ever XD
Yea well just wait till I co2 the tank :B
techen said:
Yea well just wait till I co2 the tank :B
now your talking. That will sort it! And then your actually have a valid excuse for large water changes lol Why not set up your kit now?

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