L_Plates - Fishless Cycle Log - Complete

Ok i will do a PH check tomorrow then lets say every 3 days.

Cheers BBA

do a test on your tap water, should be 0, if it is, you can use it to compare the tank reading. If you do like i do and use 4 drops of each pot instead of 8, you wont feel like you are wasting it.
2.5ml of tank water i take it aswell tizer. Save some cash aswell.
2.5ml of tank water i take it aswell tizer. Save some cash aswell.

Aye! Dont worry if you are a bit heavy handed and spunk in an extra drop of one bottle by mistake, the liquid kits are quite forgiving and if you speak to the manufacturer about it they say they have failsafes built in. xD
No movement yet yet on the cycle :(

Today got a little bored so decided to add my wood and airstone just so its ready when cycled. Quick photo.

If the wood drops the PH or starts to effect the cycle i will take it straight out of the tank. Airstone is only on as a test :)

Not sure if i will be keeping the Mopani wood on the right as i might replace it.

IMO if your ph drops blow 6.5ish just add some bi crab and it will raise the ph, i belive a higher ph is good the cycle anyway, will not cause any bother while in cycle.

*Never add bi card with fish in tank
I've never measured the ph while cycling, but when i do a 50% water change most days i dont see the point anyway. You cold see if a water change helps you out, it certainly cant do any harm.
So what can stall a cycle and how would a water change help me out ?

I belive and can be corrected that the bacteria we trying to get in the tank brreds best at a certain higher ph. My cycle stalled when i hit ph 6.2, i say stalled they do survive but breed super slow giving the stall effect, keeping the ph high will give them every chance to produce many and strong. High tank tmep,bogwood and lack of oxygen due to higher cycle temp all add to lower the ph
Ok i will do i quick PH test and post the results asap :)
Ok quick test done, see photo.


PH Low: 7.6
PH High: 7.8 looks higher on the photo.
I don't think it's anything to do with pH. You just have a large tank and filter and I think sometimes those get off to a bit lower start, although the main thing is just happening to have very few of the two needed species in your particular source water. I agree you are getting out into the third week of the first phase, which is very frustrating but I can reassure you that it's not unheard of.

I assume that there is no Zeolite or other chemical resin in these Compact H filters, just biological and mechanical media, right? Your temp is 29C you're getting good surface disturbance from the filter, right? I suppose you could add a few teaspoons of baking soda (not baking powder) if you feel the pH result is really matching a lower number like 7.8 since we know the optimal growth rate comes at 8.0 to 8.4 and you may be a bit below that.

Filter Type, Juwel Compact H LINK: http://www.juwel-aquarium.de/en/aktuelle_modelle303.htm

The filter contains:

Filter Wool (white pad)
The white filter wool acts as a mechanical pre-filter, removing large particles of dirt
and excess food which in turn ensures that the other sponges do not get clogged.

Active Carbon Sponge (black)
The black activated carbon sponge sits on top of the blue coarse filter sponges, and
removes chemical impurities from the water which cannot be removed biologically.

Nitrate Removal Sponge (green)
The Sponge contains micro-organisms, which will, once developed, reside inside the
sponges and in the water. These micro-organisms feed of nitrates and will reduce them
significantly. The JUWEL Filtration system provides the optimum housing for these

Filter Sponge Coarse (blue)
The coarse blue filter sponges allow bacteria cultures to develop quickly, cleaning the
water which is now free from chemical impurities.

Filter Sponge Fine (blue)
The fine blue sponges and the bacteria cultures living in them, clean the water of even
the smallest impurities

Filter Media
This filter medium fits all Juwel filter baskets. CIRAX is an excellent choice as it contains bio-cultures that are key to keeping water clean. This gives rise to high water quality. Replace every 9-12 months.

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