kuhli loach feeding


New Member
Feb 24, 2003
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Does anyone know how to effectively feed kuhli loaches? Whenever I drop sinking catfish pellets in for my loaches, my 14 mollies instantly set upon the food and don't leave any for my timid loaches. I've tried dropping the pellets in then turning all the lights off so the mollies can't see them, but it's too dark to see if its working or not!
I tried to figure out that one too. I just got some and when I tried to feed them sinking shrimp pellets my cories pretty much took over and the loached took off.

So I just found out where they hide all the time (In my case in the corner by a plant) and drop a pellet or two down there and feed everything else in the other 'usual' place. Seems to work good so far, and the loached don't get 'bullied'.
Hmm I wouldn't worry too much. They're scavengers, and theres almost always bits of uneaten food in the gravel they can eat.
They'll be fine if you feed at lights out time. If there's food they'll find it.


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