Kribs In A Discus Set Up?


Fish Addict
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
Balloch, Scotland
Hi there folks. Getting a pair of kribs tomorrow off a friend who has to part with them due to an existing pair being overly aggressive toward them.

I have a mixed comunity discus set up. Ph 6.8 and temp 28.

Would they do ok in my set up in the long run?

I have no other cichlids other than my discus.

If they breed then don't be suprised if you see them attacking your Discus. They're not scared of anything when spawning.

The temperature is a little high too. They would be a lot happier at 24-26.
Hmm, I was afraid of that. Might lower the temp down a tad then, aim for around 26/27. Don't want to go any lower than that. If they look like their not happy, will see up my hospital tank and make it a breeder tank :good:
I would do that anyway Gary tbh. The Discus will be a lot happier at the 28c you have it set at now.

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